
Hello! So as everyone knows I have been trying to lose weight and get back into a healthy lifestyle. Well something that I have been making sure I do is different types of workouts. The main reason is so that I don't get bored, but the other reason is to always change it up so my body is never "used to it", which happens a lot when people stick to the same routine. Now I am doing all of this without a gym so I make the best of it. Currently I do the typical outdoor type things: running, biking, kayaking. Then I have a bunch of workout videos at home. I have the insanity workout along with a bunch from gold's gym and Jillian Michaels. My favorite DVD of Jillian michaels is the 30 day shred and kickboxing workout. Now, the 30 day shred you are supposed to do for 30 days in a row- I don't do this, I still break it all up. Another one that I love is Jillian michaels kickboxing workout on YouTube, it is the video where she is wearing a red sports bra. I'm sure there is a DVD out there, but I can watch it free on YouTube. All of her video routines are about 20 minutes, so it means that anyone can have the time to do them. I also have a free standing punching bag. If you go on YouTube and type in kickboxing routine, then have tons of workouts to follow along with.changing it up and making it fun is what it's all about! Working out and being healthy should not be boring, it should be fun (to some extent of course).


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