Fixing Up the Back Yard

As most of you know my back yard is a huge work in progress. We had dug out all the plants in the high rise garden, and built our fire pit. Our next job was moving around some of the flowers that were left and then building this little garden area around a large rock.
Here is the picture of the empty spot where we want to plant the flowers
This is the picture of the flowers that we are moving to the empty spot. This picture is also of the large rock in the backyard, although as you can tell, the flowers near it currently cover it completely
Yay! The flowers are in! Looks a little less like a we just need some rain
Mark working hard while i snap a pic of him...but dont let this pic fool you..i was out there in my strapless sundress and sandals digging holes as well :) No really...i was!
The rock after we did the edging where we will plant small little flowers next season. Maybe ill even get some daffodils and plant them now to enjoy them in the spring. We will see!

We still have the huge pile of dirt in the middle of the backyard though. However i have found someone who wants it all since they are big into gardening. Now its just finding a time that we both have free so she can come over and get it out of my back yard!


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