New Job!

Today i called one of the jobs that i had the interview for last week. The interview was for a Home Care company who needed a full time nurse. I had called yesterday and left a voicemail but never heard back. So i figured that since today was Friday i would call again. I called the nursing supervisor and she told me that they want to offer me a full time position, however she was waiting for someone to come into the office to crunch numbers and make an official offer to me with a dollar amount. I was SO excited! The supervisor told me that someone would give me a call a little bit later on. So i went on with my day (only of course after calling my mom, mark, and my mortgage lady), and then i was in the middle of my kickboxing workout when i saw that the office phone number was calling me. It was the CEO! She made her official offer and told me that HR will call Monday to set things up for a physical and background check and all that fun stuff. So i am super excited! I will update when i find out more!!


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