Back 2 Reading

I was in a slump. I was reading one book. But couldn't get through it, and I certainly couldn't keep the characters straight. It took a few weeks to read only about 4 small chapters. So I started another book. Well that only lasted for about one chapter before I put that back down and picked up my other one. I read about another chapter in the first book then I was at a standstill. I was at goodwill the other day, and everything in the store was half off. So I of course went back to the book section. Well...I came across the author Nora Roberts. I have not read anything by her yet, however I do have a quartet series by her that I have yet to read. On the shelf all next to each other (which is rare in goodwill) was The Inn  Boonsboro Trilogy. They were each $3, then half off. So all three books ended up being $4.50. Not too bad. That night I started the book, and 20 pages in and I love it. So now 4 days later I'm on page 80, which with what little time I have to read, that's not bad. I can't wait to have some time off this weekend and get back to reading it.mi am also excited to get back to posting about all the great stories I'm reading.
Oh! And might I add, that the cover to this book is gorgeous!


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