Falltime Bucket List Update

I had mentioned before that as i get things done from my fall bucket list i will post the date i completed it along with some pictures of the events. 

Make Autumn Wreaths 
On 9/16/14 I completed making two autumn wreaths. I had bought the wood circles, leaves, ribbon and flowers all at the dollar tree. Then i just used a glue gun to put it all together. I have one on each door now and i love them! 

Leaf Art
On 9/18/14 I completed making a candle holder and coating it with fall leaves. I went to the dollar tree to get a glass candle holder and i had leaves and modge podge already at home. I modge podged the leaves on the outside of the glass. It looks so pretty now sitting on my stove. Plus the candle inside is cranberry, such a fall scent. 

Go to a Football Game
On 9/25/14 I went to my brothers freshman football away game at NFA. It was raining through most of the game, but it was still a great game. Unfortunately this was their first loss, but there will be more wins in the future. 

That is all the updates for now! Stay tuned for more items completed along the way from my falltime bucket list.

Connect to my Fall Bucket List 


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