Falltime Weekend Visitors

This past weekend marks mom, sister and brother in law came down from MA/NH to visit and see the house. It was a really great weekend! We hung out for a little while when they first got here. Then we went to sunset bar and ribs to meet my parents for lunch. Lunch went really well, even though I was super nervous about his family meeting mine. After lunch we went back to my parents house so they could see where they lived and where Mark stayed the first few weeks of him being down here. We took a walk to the beach and chatted a little bit. Once we were done at mom and dads we all headed to the Christmas tree shop. We just shopped around for a bit looking for different things. We were only there because his sister was looking for something in particular and the one near her didn't have it. We also picked out a rug for our living room and his sister got it for us. It looks so pretty now! Below is the pic of the living room with the new rug.
She also got mark and I a huge beautiful mum for the house. It's sitting out on the front steps. Below is the pic of that.
Here is the card that she gave us. It is an actual pic that someone up by her in NH had taken. It's now up on the mantel near all my other fall decorations.
Anyways, we got back to the house after shopping and watched the movie cool runnings. It was a really good movie if anyone needs a suggestion! Then we had some dinner and not too much later they headed home. It was a wonderful day and I am excited for when his mom comes back and his dad comes along that time so he can see the house. But until next time...


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