Why I Started Blogging

Every since i can remember i would love to journal about every day of my life. I loved to write down conversations between me and the guys i was crushing on, or anything funny that happened in school. Journal after journal began to fill, and i soon had a pile in my room. Every so often i would look back and read through some of it. Some things would make me laugh, others reminded me of times i had forgotten, and some created heartache to hard memories of my past. I have done many blogs in the past. Some all about fitness and losing weight. Some all about my "lovely" journey through nursing school. A blog soley dedicated to my passion for cooking...but after only a month or two, i lost interest and the blog stopped. I know the blogs are still out there somewhere, but no longer being used. Well i had stopped 'journaling' this past year around august time between many life changing events and starting up my last semester of nursing school. I wanted to start up again, but decided this time around i was going to create a blog and stick to it. Make it fun and interesting about my life, but also keep it blog appropriate. I have no entered my 5th month of this blog (which is a new record for me), and i am going strong. I hope that over time i will have more readers, but for now, i just keep going and i enjoying looking back at the first posts i created or previous months activities. So now i have my on-line journal that will NOT sit in a pile in my room collecting dust like my other ones :) 


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