Summertime Weekend in MA & NH

Friday night i headed up to Haverhill MA. Once Mark was out of work he gave me a call and kept me company on my drive up. He was picking something up after work that he found on Craigs List for our house, and we actually ended up meeting each other on the high way. Once at home we had an easy night with dinner and Greys Anatomy. 
Saturday was Mark's last day at Commonwealth Motors in Lawrence, MA. While he was stuck at work for the day, i went to the beach with his mom, aunt and their friend. It was a nice relaxing day, although i got quite sun burned! I also got a bunch of the book read that i posted before. We headed back home around 2 ish and then Mark got home from his last day of work. We went out shopping and then i made him a yummy dinner! 

Basil cream sauce on penne pasta with green beans in a parmesean, garlic and herb seasoning with garlic bread. It was so good! 

Sunday we got up and went to his sisters house in NH for the day. When we first got there we all went out on the boat. His sister and him actually water skiied. It was cool watching them do that. I wanted to try, but that day i wasnt feeling brave enough. When we got back we hung out and then eventually cooked out. DInner was really good...that was when we tried my asparagus...posted below...At the end of the night we all said our good-bye's/see you soon's...
Monday morning Mark and I headed to CT...and the adventure began! 


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