Brain Dump

I read online something about a blog post that was a 'brain dump' basically i talk about anything that i am thinking of at the current moment. So here goes nothing:
First i am very excited about my new home, and go figure my first week in my home, i am not getting home until midnight, which sucks. I want to be home un-packing and finding all my things that i have been without for a few months now. I can not wait to get my home looking like a home. Currently i am creeper out at night, and i think its 1) because its a new house to me and 2) because there is no furniture...its all empty! This weekend we are going up to MA where the rest of our furniture is (plus there is a bunch of stuff in a small storage unit that i have). 
My good friend Allie is coming down soon to visit. She is coming on Sunday, and she already knows that i will prob have her help to unpack my house. We will still take time to celebrate (possibly a new job for her) and enjoy each others company. But it will be so nice to have her help and her opinions regarding things to do with the house. Right now because Mark is getting home so much sooner than me he has a To-Do list as well. Right now he is at my parents house helping them set up a shed, and while he is there i am having him bring home more of my things that i can put away. 
I need to empty my storage unit and fast! Thankfully there is not too much in there, but the payment is due on 7/31 and i have 10 days to pay it. So i need to get the stuff out soon so they do not put another lock on it and lock me out! Time to get cracken! (haha like i have the time this week) 
Currently i am working 3 different jobs all at the same time. This week alone from Monday-Friday i will have worked a total of 66 5 days!! People wonder why i am going crazy...that would be the reason right there! 
Well its time to go, that was a short little brain dump. I kinda like this sort of post. A way to get everything im thinking of off my mind.  


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