New Job: Home Care RN

On Thursday I attended orientation at my new job. I got my picture taken, and shortly after i was handed my badge for the company. This is my first one that actually said: Lauren Quick, RN! I was so excited to finally see those two letters below my name. Looking back on these past 4.5 years, i never would have thought that i would make it to this day! Over the two hours i was there we went through paperwork and talked a lot about some things to expect. At the end i was sent home with a list of quizes to take, and my time sheet to fill out for them. I do not go back unil Tuesday July 8th, to do more orientation, but i am so excited to really get started working as a RN. I will get a nurses bag filled with all sorts of stuff. I will also recieve a computer for all the charting i will do in the field. I hope that in time, i can move up in hours and even become a full time employee. For the month of July when its very crucial for me to make money because of the house...I will still be working as a PCT at the hospital. But for now, I will keep everyone updated as to how i am enjoying my new job. 


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