Forbidden Boy by Hailey Abbott

I just finished another book. Forbidden Boy by Hailey Abbott. This story takes place at a beach where you have the locals who have lived there their entire lives in small classic "beach homes", and then the people who move in, and build these huge castles while taking away more and more public beach. The story follows Jules the main character and her father and sister, Chloe. Jules meets Remi, a cute boy from a party and instantly falls for him. However, Jules learns that Remis family is building the house next door, the same family that is trying to push Jules and her family out of their home. Jules tries to stay away from Remi, but certain circumstances proves to make this difficult. This is the sort of book that you can almost guess what will happen, but i still enjoyed reading it. This book was shorter, & i enjoyed it as a quick read. I have a few other of Abbott's titles,  although...every single title has the word 'boy' in it. So i will let everyone know how the rest are! I will start the next one now...


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