Wedding Planning: Save the Dates

The other day i was feeling totally overwhelmed with all that i had to do for the wedding. I know i could make it all simple, but you see....I am the girl who has been dreaming of this day since i could remember. So i have to do it the way i want.

The first thing i did was make a large list of everything that needs to be done in the next month. Then i picked the top four items that need to be done this week, and wrote them in my planner.

I have (almost) finished the website. I am just missing a few pictures which i plan to get at christmas. Here is the website:

Then on Sunday night i ordered our return address labels that have lace on them. I ordered the cards that will go with the save the date that also give the website. Then i ordered the picture magnets with our marquee picture. So i am very excited to get those in the mail after the holidays. Then the fun begins of addressing the envelopes!



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