Lazy Sunday

Its a pretty rare day when i can sleep in on a Sunday, and i am not thinking about all the work that i still have to get done. I had finished all my work yesterday specifically since i knew that once i got my new computer i wouldn't even want to touch my work.
Last night i stayed up until 2 AM watching the last few episodes of Teen Mom OG. So i went to bed pretty late.
This morning i woke up to the smell of breakfast, yes Mark is out in the kitchen cooking us breakfast and i can't wait! So i decided i would take the morning and just lay in bed. We do have a few things planned for today, Mark wants us to go bowling, and today my youngest brother turns 16, so we will be celebrating with him.
Today i am also going to prepare for Monday, which will be the start of being healthy, and being more active. Its def time for me to get back on track. Its been so hard with the holidays here, and Mark and my brother Michaels birthday. So Monday it will all be done, so i can really get back on track and focus.
Late i will come up with workout plans, and meal plans, i already made a measurement chart in the computer, so ill have that as well. Anyways, Mark is asking for my help in the kitchen.


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