There Arose Such A Clatter

Merry Christmas all! I know i am a few days late, however like i had posted in another post, the night we came home from christmas at my parents, our basement was flooded. So we were a little preoccupied.

I hope everyone enjoyed their days!

On Xmas eve both mark and i had to work, so when he was out at 3PM i met him at his work, and we left from there and drove 2.5 hours up to NH to spend the night with his family. We had a nice time. Here are a few pictures from that night.
Mark and his cousin Caroline 

Mark and his mom Mona 

Mark and his sister Cassandra 

Marks cousin Janette and Me 

Me and Cassandra 

Mark Jr and Mark Sr

Cassandra and Grammy 

We left around 10 PM that night and due to all the fog on the drive home we didn't get home until around 12:30 AM. Then we were dealing with our cats misbehaving, and breaking things, so we didn't get into bed until around 2:30 AM, so we were very tired. *There was a new tradition that we started, we are going to read "The night before christmas" every year, and then write in the inside cover of the book something about our past year. So on the way home Mark read the story to me, and then we wrote on the inside, "got engaged, planning a wedding and our 1st cruise 2015" I hope to do that every year, and it would be cool to see all the different years. 

On Christmas morning Mark and I woke up late since we went to bed so late. We opened a few gifts up from each other, then packed up the car and headed to mom and dads. We had appetizers all day, and opened gifts. Then we all hung out. Here are some pics from that day. 

Mark and my brother Ryan

Mark and Ryan in their "prom pose" 

Me and my dad, Russ 

Mark and my youngest brother Michael

Me with my two brothers, yes i am the oldest 

Mark and I in front of mom and dads tree 

We had a really great holiday, and hope that everyone enjoyed theirs as well! 


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