Teen Mom OG

So a fun little fact about me. I love pregnancy. So when MTV came out with a show that followed girls through their pregnancy, i loved to watch it. MTV is good for having most of their episodes on line, and so i used to watch all the episodes. However i remember the original girls of: Maci, Katelynn, Amber and Farrah. I had watched others, but those were the original girls, or OG.
Then they came out with Teen Mom, the show that followed the girls through their lives of being teen moms. I loved the show, however i had stopped watching it.
The other day i saw the add on TV for the newest season starting on Jan 4th, and so i went to MTV.com to see if the episodes from last season were on. They were!
So since Tuesday night every night i have been watching the episodes to get ready for the new season. However with my old computer the commercial parts would freeze, and then the actual episodes would freeze. So it was beyond annoying.
I am looking forward to watching it tonight on my new computer without any problems!
I would like to read all the girls books at some point, i think i would enjoy them. Who knows, maybe when i have time some day....


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