Falltime Bucket List Update #5

Visit a Corn Maze 
On 10/23/14 Mark and I went to a corn maze before Michael's football game. It was shaped like a vikings hat, and it was actually really fun. I had been to one when i was little and i had always wanted to go back to one. I was finally glad that i found one that was affordable! Last year all the corn mazes i had found cost about $30 or more. This one was $7! Perfect and i can not wait to go again next year. 

Visit a Fall Festival 
On 10/25/14 the town of Essex, CT held their annual pumpkin festival. I had been many years prior when i was babysitting someone, and i loved it! This year i made sure to look up the date, and when Mark got out of work we drive 30 minutes. The festival was fun! They had all the pumpkins that were carved and lit up. They had a band playing music and food and hot chocolate. It was a nice little festival to walk around together with my boy. 

Carve Pumpkins 
As you know we had bought pumpkins a few weeks ago, and finally on 10/30/14 Mark and I carved the pumpkins. He bought a carving kit at work that had templates and the tools for carving. On the big pumpkin we carved out a cat in boots with a hat and a sword, and on the little pumpkin i carved out M hearts L. They did not turn out too bad, pretty cute actually!

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