
Showing posts from September, 2014

My Official New Job!

This will be a short post but I have completed my first week at my new job! I am so excited so far and have been enjoying getting to know everyone. Here is a pic of my new badge! I love the giant RN at the bottom!

Falltime Bucket List Update

I had mentioned before that as i get things done from my fall bucket list i will post the date i completed it along with some pictures of the events.  Make Autumn Wreaths  On 9/16/14 I completed making two autumn wreaths. I had bought the wood circles, leaves, ribbon and flowers all at the dollar tree. Then i just used a glue gun to put it all together. I have one on each door now and i love them!  Leaf Art On 9/18/14 I completed making a candle holder and coating it with fall leaves. I went to the dollar tree to get a glass candle holder and i had leaves and modge podge already at home. I modge podged the leaves on the outside of the glass. It looks so pretty now sitting on my stove. Plus the candle inside is cranberry, such a fall scent.  Go to a Football Game On 9/25/14 I went to my brothers freshman football away game at NFA. It was raining through most of the game, but it was still a great game. Unfortunately this was their first loss, but there will

Falltime Weekend Visitors

This past weekend marks mom, sister and brother in law came down from MA/NH to visit and see the house. It was a really great weekend! We hung out for a little while when they first got here. Then we went to sunset bar and ribs to meet my parents for lunch. Lunch went really well, even though I was super nervous about his family meeting mine. After lunch we went back to my parents house so they could see where they lived and where Mark stayed the first few weeks of him being down here. We took a walk to the beach and chatted a little bit. Once we were done at mom and dads we all headed to the Christmas tree shop. We just shopped around for a bit looking for different things. We were only there because his sister was looking for something in particular and the one near her didn't have it. We also picked out a rug for our living room and his sister got it for us. It looks so pretty now! Below is the pic of the living room with the new rug. She also got mark and I a huge beautiful

Friday Visit

I had the best visit from a friend on Friday. This friend Emily I met when I worked at the hospital and she happens to live about 45 minutes from me. She is a senior in nursing school so between reading, studying , case studies and care plans she has no time for her bf, never mind the friend! But she messages me about being available Friday morning so I made sure to plan my clients for the day around her. She came over from 10-2, and we had a blast catching up. She helped me un-tangle a bunch of necklaces I had thrown together in a purse when I moved from deep river. Then we actually put on a Mary Kate and Ashley movie. She couldn't stop watching it! It was quite funny. But it was a really nice day with a really great friend. I hope I don't have to wait another months before I see her again.

One Year Anniversary

A little bit ago I had mentioned I was planning a dinner for mark and I. It was this past Saturday and it went really well. I followed the menu I had posted about before. I decorated the screened in porch with a Chinese lantern and Christmas lights. Then I moved some things around and swept the floor. I set the table with a green table cloth and put two little tea lights as well. Then I framed the menu and leaned it against something. Here is the pic of the table. It was so cute! When Mark got home I had him come in the front door so he wouldn't see the porch decorated. We first hung out for a little bit and I gave him the appetizer. Roast beef crostini with pomegranate. Below is a pic of how that turned out...  Mark really enjoyed them! Then I poured our drinks and brought mark outside. He liked the transformation of the porch. We had Caesar salad first and then for dinner we had Parmesan crusted chicken, homemade garlic bread and orichette al forno. Below is the pic o

Birthday Celebrations

I am finally able to write about my birthday! So the morning part of my day I was stuck working. And 3 out of 4 of my patients found it okay to yell at me. One of them I actually turned to and said, I am not going to argue with you today-it's my birthday. The patient stopped right in his tracks lol. Finally when I got home I did my workout and took a shower. Then I sat on the recliner as I curled my hair in preparation for my birthday. Here is a picture of how my hair turned out... I really liked my hair! Then Mark got home from work and he insisted I open my card right then and there. It was beautiful. Then we headed to waterford beach together. I had been there once before and it was beautiful and I wanted mark to see the beach. He really liked it as well and we shared a very special moment there :) below are some pics of mark and I, he couldn't stop squinting because of how bright it was out.  Then for dinner my family and mark went out to Paul's pasta in Groton. W

Fall Bucket List 2014

I really enjoyed having a summertime bucket list and therefore i have decided to make a fall one! Fall is actually one of my favorite seasons: the crisp air, hot chocolate, beautiful colors...its all so exciting! Something different i want to do this time around is every item that i complete i will take a picture of that thing. Then every couple of items...i will post an entry on line of those events! The fall bucket list will start as of 12AM on September 16th, 2014. I already have one thing i will be completing once the clock strikes 12 :) So stay tuned to see my progress to complete more than 56% (my summer percentage) of my fall bucket list! Posted below is my list! Enjoy! Happy Festivities! 

Summertime Bucket List

At the beginning of the summer season I posted a bucket list I had hoped to complete by the end of the summer. Well as of today, as the cool air is moving in, I am calling it quits with my summer bucket list! I did okay, not as much as I had hoped. My summer bucket list had a total of 69 items, and I completed 39 items. That's  only 56%! I hope I do better on my fall bucket list.... Below I have posted a pic of which items I have completed on my list. Hope those of you who had a bucket list managed to do better than me!

Birthday Girl!

Morning! I just did an overnight last night and today is my birthday! I will turn 23 at 6:02pm tonight. I am working at this job until 9:30am and then i have 3 clients to visit today for my nursing job. Once the visits are over i will then have a good workout. I am thinking a one mile run, and then the extreme shred and shed video to sweat it out! Then ill shower and actually straighten my hair, and pick out a pretty outfit. With working as much as i have, and working out all the time, i havent done my hair and makeup and picked out a pretty outfit in a while. So i am super excited. Mark will be home by 3 today, and then i have my younger brothers first high school football game. Ill be sure to post a pic later from my birthday. I am excited to have the night off :) After the football game we are thinking of going to Pauls Pasta in Groton. Here is the website: At the look of the menu, the prices are good, and they have two different sizes. The differen

Harkness Park Family Day 2014

Harkness Park in Waterford, Ct is a beautiful location for many different events. Although it is common for weddings to take place here. This past sunday they had a family day where they opened the park, the carriage house and the mansion to the public. Ill post some pics from our day. The first thing we came across was the classic thunderbird car show. They were all so pretty! It looked like the colors of the rainbow. I really liked all the pretty blue ones. Next we went into the carriage house. here they had an old bowling ally. With mark being super into bowling i just had to snap a pic and send it to him. Out in the horse stable they had the old farm machinery Plus an old wheelchair. Its so cool to see how things were made back then We went outside into the garden and there was this really pretty flower with a bee on it, and it was picture perfect! Outside of the carriage house were these really cool windy trees where mom and i got a pic

Fixing Up the Back Yard

As most of you know my back yard is a huge work in progress. We had dug out all the plants in the high rise garden, and built our fire pit. Our next job was moving around some of the flowers that were left and then building this little garden area around a large rock. Here is the picture of the empty spot where we want to plant the flowers This is the picture of the flowers that we are moving to the empty spot. This picture is also of the large rock in the backyard, although as you can tell, the flowers near it currently cover it completely Yay! The flowers are in! Looks a little less like a we just need some rain Mark working hard while i snap a pic of him...but dont let this pic fool you..i was out there in my strapless sundress and sandals digging holes as well :) No really...i was! The rock after we did the edging where we will plant small little flowers next season. Maybe ill even get some daffodils and plant them now to enjoy them in the spring. We will see!

Book Club

There is this site called Its where you can find groups of people who have the same interests as you. Lately i have been wanting to find a book club where i can talk with other women about the book i am reading. Well i found one! Its not too far from where i live either. They usually  meet at panera bread, so you can eat if you want, and its also a public place. Their next meeting is wednesday the 10th, so that is too soon for me to be able to read the book. But i am very excited for the one in october. I just have to find out what book they are reading for that meeting. But i will be nice to meet other people in the area. Ill let you know how it goes!

New Job!

Today i called one of the jobs that i had the interview for last week. The interview was for a Home Care company who needed a full time nurse. I had called yesterday and left a voicemail but never heard back. So i figured that since today was Friday i would call again. I called the nursing supervisor and she told me that they want to offer me a full time position, however she was waiting for someone to come into the office to crunch numbers and make an official offer to me with a dollar amount. I was SO excited! The supervisor told me that someone would give me a call a little bit later on. So i went on with my day (only of course after calling my mom, mark, and my mortgage lady), and then i was in the middle of my kickboxing workout when i saw that the office phone number was calling me. It was the CEO! She made her official offer and told me that HR will call Monday to set things up for a physical and background check and all that fun stuff. So i am super excited! I will update when

Back 2 Reading

I was in a slump. I was reading one book. But couldn't get through it, and I certainly couldn't keep the characters straight. It took a few weeks to read only about 4 small chapters. So I started another book. Well that only lasted for about one chapter before I put that back down and picked up my other one. I read about another chapter in the first book then I was at a standstill. I was at goodwill the other day, and everything in the store was half off. So I of course went back to the book section. Well...I came across the author Nora Roberts. I have not read anything by her yet, however I do have a quartet series by her that I have yet to read. On the shelf all next to each other (which is rare in goodwill) was The Inn  Boonsboro Trilogy. They were each $3, then half off. So all three books ended up being $4.50. Not too bad. That night I started the book, and 20 pages in and I love it. So now 4 days later I'm on page 80, which with what little time I have to read, that&#


Hello! So as everyone knows I have been trying to lose weight and get back into a healthy lifestyle. Well something that I have been making sure I do is different types of workouts. The main reason is so that I don't get bored, but the other reason is to always change it up so my body is never "used to it", which happens a lot when people stick to the same routine. Now I am doing all of this without a gym so I make the best of it. Currently I do the typical outdoor type things: running, biking, kayaking. Then I have a bunch of workout videos at home. I have the insanity workout along with a bunch from gold's gym and Jillian Michaels. My favorite DVD of Jillian michaels is the 30 day shred and kickboxing workout. Now, the 30 day shred you are supposed to do for 30 days in a row- I don't do this, I still break it all up. Another one that I love is Jillian michaels kickboxing workout on YouTube, it is the video where she is wearing a red sports bra. I'm sure ther

Job Hunting

Much has been happening. Let's talk about work, jobs, money, it's all in the same. Currently I have 40 hours as a CNA with one home care agency. Then I work per diem as a nurse with another agency. Both of those jobs equally contribute to the amount I need to make each week with my home/mortgage. Well the client I have my 40 hours with is moving to an assisted living facility- which means I'll be short about 40 hours! That company told me I'll be able to get some hours but probably not 40. So now I am really in the hunt for a full time nursing job. I have applied at a few places, and had one interview so far. I will be calling to follow up this week with multiple places. So fingers crossed! If you believe in prayer- send some my way!

Parm Crusted Chicken

I had posted before about making the copy cat recipe from longhorn steakhouse. Well I followed that recipe from the blog, with only a few corrections. I used grated park only. They have two types of part. And instead of shredding the provolone, I just got slices from the deli and placed them on top. It was amazing! Def worth everyone trying the recipe. Below is the picture of my chicken. I cannot wait to make it again. Also...I let the chicken marinate for about 6-8 hours. I did the marinade in the morning before work and then grilled it for dinner. Yumm!!!!