Where Were You???

Today, the one year anniversary of the Boston bombing, I've been seeing a bunch of posts on Facebook of people saying where they were when it happened. Well here is my story: I was in Boston for that whole weekend because it was my boyfriend's (at the time) 21st birthday on Monday April 15th. After I made him breakfast we headed down to his nearest green line stop, which the marathon happened to be going by. Our plans for his birthday were to meet two of my sorority sisters by coply square for lunch since they were down by there, then we would go out at night when his family comes up. As we are waiting for the train one of the sisters I am going to meet calls and tells me that we should probably stay put because two loud explosions just went off. Well my BF at the time said we were fine and to just get on the next train that came. I was on the train using my phone trying to look up what had just finished when i saw the words "boston bombing" come up on my screen. I said it to him on the train and he yelled at me to not say those words while on a public train. Well the green line let us off at the last stop before going underground. We were still determined to get to lunch so we walked pretty far to the red line. Well they had shut down all cell phone service. So i had no way to contact my mom, his mom or my sisters. He finally got through to his mom who let me mom know that we were okay. By the time we got to the train, and met my sisters another bomb had been found. Thankfully my Big's actual sister was in the area and picked us all up and drove us to her house, where we were driven back to my BF's apartment. Then we packed up and headed home to CT to celebrate his birthday. Even though i was not at the marathon itself, walking to the red line and hearing siren after siren and seeing police cars and ambulances and everything, really impacted me. For a while every time i heard a siren, my heart sunk and skipped a beat. Now anytime i see something on line, or in the news, i have to read all about it. I want to do something more, i just haven't figure out what yet. I will still even watch the ceremonies from the bruins and red sox game after their first game back from when it happened. But one thing is for sure, even though i am back to living in CT, we are still, and forever will be: BOSTON STRONG!


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