One of my favorite TV channels to watch is TLC. It is with real people, but its certainly not reality TV. I like almost every single one of their shows. I can have that channel on all day long. The other best part is that netflix has a bunch of those shows as well. Below is a list of the different shows i love to watch, plus with a little bit about each one. Some of these shows are currently on, and some are not. 

19 Kids & Counting
This is a story about a family named the Duggars. Mom and Dad named Michelle and Jim Bob, have 19 kids together. They follow religion and raise their children with high values and standards. This show also shows when they all go on vacation, and how they make sure all 21 of them get through the airport and so on. There oldest son is married now with 3 children, so sometimes they are involved and they even have some episodes where it is their story. You have to be open to their ways if you are going to watch this show. 

Americas Worst Tattoos
Basically people come in with these terrible tattoos that they regret getting and the tattoo artist creates a design to cover it up

My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding
The life of gypsys. Typically they marry around the age of 16-18. The wives are taught to be the housekeepers while their man goes out to make the money. The marriages are wild, crazy, and over the top. You will hardly see a classic white wedding gown with flower bouquets and a groom waiting in a tux. This show is always exciting and interesting to watch. I love seeing all the different dresses they have designed along with how they manage to fit it into the limo/horse and carriage

Cake Boss
Buddy's bakery in Hoboken, NJ is known for their unique cakes. It follows along with the cast members lives, but it also shows around 2 designer cakes per episode. Some of these cakes have water flowing through, are life size sculptures, or have fireworks coming out of it. The cakes are always amazing and look incredible

Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta
Brides come into a store called Klienfeld's to pick out their dream wedding dress. This one takes place in Atlanta, GA. So that means you have all the southern girls and their souther weddings coming into the shop.

Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids
An entire bridal party comes into Klienfeld's to pick out the perfect bridesmaids dresses. There is always some sort of drama in the group, and most of the time they work through it

Say Yes to the Dress
This is the same as the Atlanta one except it takes place in NY

Sister Wives
A man who is involved with polygamy, and he has 4 wives. So it is their story of finding homes all near each other, and the wives becoming friends, and how it works to have 4 different wives

Four Weddings
4 Brides go to each others weddings. They score them on the dress, food, venue, and overall experience. In the end which ever bride has the most amount of points wins the dream honeymoon. This show is cool to watch if you enjoy seeing all different types of weddings 

What Not to Wear
Typically there is someone whoes family thinks they need a makeover when it comes to their clothing, hair and makeup. So the co-hosts stacy and london bring the person to their studio where they throw out all their clothes, give them rules and show them examples on how to dress, and a credit card. Typically the people dont follow the rules too much the first shopping day, but on the second day when the co-hosts join them they will follow. And usually in the end the transformation is unbelievable! 

My First Home
This is actually currently the show i am watching on Netflix. This follows people who are trying to purchase their first home. Each episode is one person, and it takes you through the process from the beginning when they meet with the realtor all the way until when they are given the keys

Extreme Couponing
This show always amazes me. It is people who know how the system works regarding sales and coupons. They follow them from clipping the coupons until they pay at the register in the end. Although some people dont end up paying for anything because of all their coupons. Each episodes is between hundreds and thousands of dollars saved

Toddlers & Tiarars 
This shows takes you into the pageant world, but with little girls as young as 1 years old. It shows their crazy mother's and fathers which some times you might actually think they are more into the pageants then their child. I do enjoy this show however, for some reason i always have to watch until the crowning 

The Little Couple
This follows the lives of a little couple. Little as in short stature. Their life with having jobs and trying to adopt children

My Strange Addiction
This show is a collection of people who have weird addictions/collections. Such as a guy collecting mannequins, or someone collecting cabbage patch dolls. If you are worried about what you collect, then watch this show and you will realize you have nothing to worry about!

Extreme Cheapskates 
This shows the lives of people who use fabric as toilet paper since they would rather re-wash it then buy some. They pick through trash to find left overs people threw out. This show grosses me out, however i will watch it if its on

Undercover Boss
I havent been able to catch this show on in a while, but usually a "big boss" like the CEO or whatever disguises himself and goes and works in his own shops, restaurants or whatever company he owns. He gets to know the employees and in the end he brings them into his office to offer them scholarships or opportunities he realized they need. They can also make improvements in the company, which usually the employee mentions to him. This show always made me cry because the boss is giving the employees opportunities they never thought they would have

Hoarding: Burried Alive
This goes into the lives of hoarders, who no longer even have time to walk around their house any more because of all of the stuff piled up. Most of the times these owners are going to be evicted, have their children/grandchildren taken away or something life changing that forces them to work with the therapist and clean up team to help their home

John and Kate Plus Ei8ht
This is the story of a couple who had twin girls, and then got pregnant with 6 more! It follows their life with 8 children. However, as i am sure most of you know there was the scandal with the husband, and they are now seperated. Kate does have her own show with the children now, but i have not seen that one 

Little People Big world
This is the story of the Roloff famil. They have 4 children, both parents are little people. They have twin boys, one is named Jeremy he is normal height and the other twin is Zach, he is little. Then they have a daughter Molly who is regular height and a son name Jacob who is regular height. This is a show about their life. I LOVE this show. I used to always watch it, and still do when i can

A Baby Story
This introduces you to the couple and how they met, and the story of the wife going through pregnancy. It brings you through the birth and also shows you a little for when they come home and introduce the baby to the new family

Trading Spaces
This show was one of my favorites. Two neighbors trade houses for 2-3 days and they redecorated a room in the neighbors house. They had a designer, a budget and a builder. Most of the time the homeowners loved their new room, however there were always some times that the homeowners hated what had been done to their room

Something Borrowed, Something New
Girls go on this show who are getting married. Typically either their mom/mother-in-law wants them to wear their old dress. Most of the time they typically dont want to wear it. One person who take aspects of their mothers old dress that they like, and turn it into a dress that they envision. While that is being done, another person takes the girl and has her pick out a new dress. In the end they have to choose between the dress that is new, or the borrowed dress that was re-done

10 Years Younger
This show was from a few years ago, but they would take a woman who wanted to look younger. Firs they would set her up in a glass box in a busy area where people would walk by and someone from the show would ask how old they think she was. Most of the time in the beginning the age that came up was way older then they actually were. So they do a makeover and they do the same thing in the end, and then ended up looking way more than 10 years younger

Breaking Amish
A group of Amish people decide to leave their Amish culture and try to live in NYC. There was a lot of bad talk about this show, but i did enjoy it. It takes you through them trying to get jobs and new clothes and things like that

Clean Sweep
This team would enter someones home and take two rooms that were filled with clutter. Someone would work with the home owners to go through the clutter while the design team would work to completely redo the rooms that were filled with stuff

I Didnt Know I Was Pregnant
These are the stories of women who are going throughout their normal lives until suddenly they experiences this awful pain, go to the ER and they find out they are having a baby

Little People Big World: Wedding Farm
This is also on the Roloff farm, but now that most of their kids are grown and out of the house, they now host weddings

Long Island Medium
This is about a woman who is a medium and can hear messages from people who have passed on. It takes you through her life with her family, but also shows you her meetings with people who get beautiful messages from their loved ones who have passed on

My 600 Pound Life
This shows different people and their stories. Most of these people are bed bound, but are planning on having gastric bypass, and it also shows part of their recovery process and how they are making life style changes. If anything this keeps people in check with eating and working out!

Next Great Baker
Buddy from the cake boss creates a competition where in the end the winner will join him at his bakery.  They are put through a series of challenges where ultimately in the end there is one winner

Untold Stories of the ER
I love this show, maybe its just because i am in the medical field, but these are the bizarre stories that happen in the ER's. Stories that you almost cant even believe

Welcome to Myrtle Manor 
This show is interesting. It a a trailor park that is actually down in Myrtle Beach. It follows the lives of some of the residents that live there. Its a trashy show, but i love it and it makes me laugh

While you Were Out
This is an older show, but basically the wife or husband would get their spouse out of the house for the day. While he was out a design team would come in and completely re-do a room in the house. When the spouse got home it was a nice surprise


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