Rons Landing

Tonight my boyfriends father took all of us out to dinner to celebrate his wife's bday. We went up to Hampton beach and ate at this very yummy place called Rons Landing. We sat right by the windows overlooking the beach. Just beautiful. Here are the pics of mine and marks meals. 
This meal was mine. It was a Mac and cheese with scallops, shrimp and lobster. It was so good! Although I took most of it home. We also started with appetizers- bruschetta, fried calamarie, and scallops wrapped in bacon. Then I had a clam chowder soup, which was also delish. So by the time I got my meal I was stuffed! 
This was marks meal. He got steak tips, lobster, asparagus all in a butter sauce with tortellini. Our night ended with a beautiful homemade lemon cake that Cassandra made. My fav! All in all it was a great night spent with his family :) 


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