First Night Back in CT

Well, today went okay. We packed up the car and emptied out the apartment. Once Mark and i got home we went out driving to look at the houses that were on our list. We got the list down quite a bit. Well while we were out my phone died, and for some reason it is not charging. Im not sure if it is an issue with my phone or with the charger. So tomorrow after work i will have to go to Verizon to see if they can help me figure it out. I am sad since when Mark goes to work tomorrow morning, he is actually leaving me. I will not see him again for a few more days. But tomorrow i do have two hours of work in the morning and then i have my interview up at the hospital tomorrow to get my old job back. So i really hope it works out for me! Anyways, its time to go to bed and spend the night with my baby. Night all!


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