Book Worm

Before I went to college I loved reading books/novels. As I read I almost felt like I was part of the book. Then as i started my nursing education as a freshman in college that all went away. I didn't have enough time to read all the required chapters for my classes let alone read for fun. Although last year I did manage to find some time to read the 50 shades of grey trilogy. And boy I am so glad I did! Well I have found a library up by me where they have a bunch of discarded library books. All they ask is if you take a hardcover, you donate $0.50. And if you take a softcover book you donate $0.25. Not a bad deal. So I between my clients when I have extra time I have been going and picking out books. Well now my back seat is full and I can not wait to start reading. As I finish a book, I'll post it on here as a way to keep track of all alternate universes. 


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