
So between rent, and driving a v8 truck...I'm broke. My credit card is maxed out. So I opened a walmart card so I could buy groceries and get a cash advance so I could get gas. I have to pay my apartment to leave since I'm breaking my lease. Well I don't have that money so I need to get it from my walmart card. Plus they will take my security deposit to make up for the rest of it. Oh and I also owe money for my taxes this year, which I am not sure how that worked out especially while I was still claiming exempt. The longer I am in mass, the longer my credit card goes unpaid- which in turn means that my credit score is still tanking. Awesome. That is exactly what I need when I am trying to get a nursing job and getting approved for a mortgage for a home of my own. So I'm going a bit crazy but hopefully soon things will get better. 


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