Falltime Bucket List Update #7

Make Candy Apples
On 11/4/14 Mark helped me make candy apples. At the store in the baking isle i bought a bunch of things. I bought a bag of caramels meant for melting. Then i also bought sprinkles, peanut M&Ms, chocolate chips, and butterscotch chips. First i melted the caramel and dipped the apples, stuck them in the fridge for a while. Then i did the same with chocolate and before those cooled i dipped them in the different candies. I found this idea on a blog on line. Here is the link to the blog if you want to check out a step by step. 

Read a Novel
On 11/3/14 I finished another book. It happened to be the second book in a trilogy. It was a really good book which i talk more out here in this blog post. I cant wait to get started on the third one!

Close on My House
On 11/7/14 Mark and I went to the attorneys office for 4pm. We all sat around the table with the attorney, my realtor, and my mortgage consultant. Once all the paperwork was signed we went out to a bar and restaurant called Olio's. We all got a drink and celebrated! Then we got an appetizer and hung out. It was so much fun being out with both of them plus Mark. It was a really great night and a huge stepping stone to my future. After the bar Mark and I went home to my house and my parents came over. Mom brought over a congratulations balloon and a pretty plant. Then we had some drinks and enjoyed dinner together. One step towards my future! 

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