Back Yard Makeover

As i had posted before, the backyard of the house i bought was pretty awful when i moved in. You can see the full extent of the back yard here. The person who owned the house before me loved to garden, and she just let it go. The gardens were all over grown. Below are the before pics. You will be able to see all the areas of overgrown gardens.
 A view from the far corner.
 This is the raised garden in the middle.
You can barely even see the back yard with how much is back here. Below are the during pics of trying to make the back yard better. It took a lot of weeding and digging. 
 We took the bricks from the raised garden and turned it into the fireplace. After we had weeded just a little, we found this patio that was already there. Perfect for the fire pit. 
 The raised garden after taking out the bricks. We started to smooth out the dirt. I had found someone who wanted the dirt so about a month after this picture we got all the dirt out.
A view from the gate entrance into the back. You can see the new fire pit. 
Below is the after pic. 
After getting rid of al the dirt! I raked it all over and it looked nice. Next summer we are going to be updating it a little bit more, but i think the change it already so much better. To the left of this picture is where the fire pit is. 


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