Its Almost Closing Time

For anyone out there who understands the mortgage world:
The mortgage that i am applying for is a USDA/CHFA, it is a combined loan. So that is all fine and dandy, but what that means is that not only does one company have to approve me, but TWO have to. So this past tuesday i found out that i had been approved by USDA, and then my files were being shipped out to CHFA. I found out yesterday (on a saturday), that CHFA had now approved my loan!!! Yay for me! Im getting one more step closer. The lady i have been working on with my mortgage said that now all that is left is for her to schedule my closing!!! She is hoping for my closing to be this week, which of course makes me so excited. I cannot wait for this whole thing to be done, and then all i have from then on is to pay my mortgage. Ill post an update once i close on my first house!


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