
Showing posts from July, 2014

Worst Movie. Ever!

I was just thinking that I pretty much like most movies I see.  And even if I didn't care for it, I can still see how some people would like it, and that it's just not my taste. However...many many years ago my grandmother took me to a movie. We were very limited in choices and that is how we ended up watching: March of the Penguins. It was an 80 minute documentary with only the narrator talking as we watch the penguins move to their breeding grounds. I know this May be some peoples cup of tea, but it is certainly not mine! Lesson learned on this one!

Brain Dump

I read online something about a blog post that was a 'brain dump' basically i talk about anything that i am thinking of at the current moment. So here goes nothing: First i am very excited about my new home, and go figure my first week in my home, i am not getting home until midnight, which sucks. I want to be home un-packing and finding all my things that i have been without for a few months now. I can not wait to get my home looking like a home. Currently i am creeper out at night, and i think its 1) because its a new house to me and 2) because there is no furniture...its all empty! This weekend we are going up to MA where the rest of our furniture is (plus there is a bunch of stuff in a small storage unit that i have).  My good friend Allie is coming down soon to visit. She is coming on Sunday, and she already knows that i will prob have her help to unpack my house. We will still take time to celebrate (possibly a new job for her) and enjoy each others company. But it will b

Strawberry Shortcake Trifle

For my moms birthday back in June i made this really yummy strawberry shortcake trifle. I highly recommend this!  1 C sugar 3 Tbsp corn starch 3 tbsp strawberry gelatin 1 C water 2 C fresh strawberries cut in half 8 oz cream cheese 2 C sweetened condensed milk 12 oz cool whip topping 1 angel food cake, ripped up 1. in a sauce pan mix the sugar and corn starch. Add in the gelatin and water and whisk together 2. Heat on the stove and bring to a boil. Place in the fridge to cool down & allow to thicken. 3. Mix the strawberries into the cooled gelatin mixture 4. in a bowl mix the cream cheese, condensed milk and cool whip (electric mixer suggested here) 5. In a Trifle dish layer in the ripped angel food cake, then gelatin, then cool whip mixture. Keep layering until complete.  6. Top with fresh strawberries if desired. Enjoy!  

Update on Home Care Nursing

So for a few weeks i went out on shadow visits with one of the nurses. Then last week on tuesday and wednesday i went out with the clinical supervisor and did home visits with her. I also got my ipad which i will be charting on during and after visits. So i did my first nursing notes. Then on friday, which was already a big day because i got the keys to my house BUT i also had 2 cases ON.MY.OWN! I was so excited. I also felt so official writing my nursing not and signing off on my visit. So far i am loving it, however i do not like having to wait until the day before or the day of to find out if i will have clients or not. So that is tough. But so far so good :) 

Getting Lost with Boys

Getting Lost with Boys by Hailey Abbott was just like her other books with the teen romance. Cordelia with a very type A personally decides to take a well scheduled trip out to see her sister who is away at college for the entire summer. Before she leaves she says goodbye to her hot boyfriend Paul who is also going away for the summer. She is afraid of flying so then her sisters very obnoxious ex-boyfriend Jacob offers to drive her there. She doesn't want to take the offer but has no other options. The book is filled with break ups, breakdowns, falling in love, Vegas, Death Valley, and like every classic teen ends at the airport with someone trying to catch the other person before they leave. Quick but enjoyable summer read. 

Bayview Campground, Bourne, MA

When I was younger my family and I used to go to this campground called Bayview in Bourne, MA every summer. My parents were even going before we were born. Everyone knew them, the store owners, the camp owners, the people in the office... Everyone. We loved it there from Laurie's ice cream shop, to the 3 pools, the playground, horse drawn carriage rides, scavenger hunts, Halloween during Labor Day weekend, all sorts of things. This was the place where mom and dad told Ryan and I that we were going to have another sibling. It's also the place where Michael sat up for the first time by himself. Every time on our trip to the Cape, we would guess which site we got. Below are the three pictures of the pool we spent so much time at.  This pool is the upper one by the main store. There was a swallow section and a deeper one like in most pools.  This one used to have a sea creature painted at the bottom. I remember many days spent at this pool.  This is right next to the first one. We

New Pen Pals

I know I mentioned before about having two new pen pals. One is from Hawaii and the other from Nevada. Both are close to my age but we all live totally different lives. Of course I have things in common with both of them but also some differences. That's what makes this fun! I got both letters this week in the mail and I've already written back and sent them out! Also this week I got a letter out to my long time pen pal from California. I just love getting to know new people and maybe down the road someday I'll get to meet them in person too!

Thank You

I just wanted to say thank you to TLC! (Yes, the TV channel). Thank you for providing me with entertainment for hours. Some times i don't like you all that much when you have those few random shows that i could care less about, but i would say about 98% of the time i love you, and much appreciate all that you do! I would also like to say thank you to all the authors out there who still write those cheesy teenage romance books. I love those! Especially for a quick read during the summer.  Thanks for everything TLC & Authors! :)  LQ

Final Walk-Through

This  upcoming Friday  i have my final walk through. It is scheduled for  8:30 AM , and fortunately that is the day that Mark has off. So we will ride the ducati there, and have our walk-through. I guess this is when the builders will show us everything that has been done in the house. As long as i am satisfied, then i will be handed the keys. I am so excited to finally be able to be in my own home and start to unpack my things. Right now everything that i want to use, or find, is packed away somewhere, and i do not have access to it. I am so looking forward to finding all my things. I also look forward to finding homes for everything with the help of Mark. We all know guys, and unless they help put things away, they will never know where they are! (although they still sometimes don't know) So for now i am just trying to get through the week so i can get my own keys on Friday! I will be sure to take pics of the before (with all the rooms empty), during (all the stuff piled up every

Summertime Weekend in MA & NH

Friday night  i headed up to Haverhill MA. Once Mark was out of work he gave me a call and kept me company on my drive up. He was picking something up after work that he found on Craigs List for our house, and we actually ended up meeting each other on the high way. Once at home we had an easy night with dinner and Greys Anatomy.  Saturday was Mark's last day at Commonwealth Motors in Lawrence, MA. While he was stuck at work for the day, i went to the beach with his mom, aunt and their friend. It was a nice relaxing day, although i got quite sun burned! I also got a bunch of the book read that i posted before. We headed back home around 2 ish and then Mark got home from his last day of work. We went out shopping and then i made him a yummy dinner!  Basil cream sauce on penne pasta with green beans in a parmesean, garlic and herb seasoning with garlic bread. It was so good!  Sunday we got up and went to his sisters house in NH for the day. When we first got there we a

Waking Up To Boys

Well i finally finished another book. I find now that i no longer work overnights, and took on another job, i do not have as much time in my day to read my books, and i certainly miss jumping into another world of a book. Anyways...Waking Up To Boys by Hailey Abbott, is a summertime story about a girl named Chelsea. Her parents own this summer resort where she has become part of the staff team. She faces the problem of everyone on staff seeing her as the "little kid" or the "resort owners kid", never giving her the chance for a summer romance. To top things off her beautiful half sister Sara shows up and Chelsea believes shes just there to ruin her life. Sara is getting all the attention from guys...that is until Sebastian shows up and shows Chelsea differently. The other part of the book is how Chelsea's passion is wake-boarding, and of course her wake-boarding instructor Todd...whom Chelsea believes doesn't seen her as anything but his competition. The sto

T-Minus 0 Days!

The day is here...Mark has moved into my parents house. Things are about to get fun. Although he has already been a great help, the house is about to be a bit more crowded. Yesterday we packed up all his things and figured out the stuff he needed at the house between now and  August 1st , then we loaded up the car and headed home to CT. Of course on this hot and humid day today we hit traffic driving down 495 south. So by the time we got home i only had about 30 minutes before i had to head to work. So i kinda threw stuff into my room, and left Mark at home. The only thing is that these few weeks that he is living at my parents house, i will be working a lot of 3-11. So that means that i will not be home to have dinner with my family..but he will be. Today when i called on my dinner break he was heading out on a bike ride with my mom...but of course i dont get to go. Oh well...the golrys of working second shift. Will post later on about how its all going!

Summertime Asparagus

I have never tried to make asparagus before and when i was asked to bring something to have on the side at my boyfriends sisters house, i wanted to do something healthy. Mark has told me many times how much he loves asparagus wrapped in bacon. Well of course, i cant just do that...i wanted to have a sauce to pour over it for the grill. It turned out so good! Below is the recipe! Also...i dont really meausure anything, i eyeball it, and cook by taste and smells.  -Asparagus -Bacon (maple flavor) -Butter -Brown Sugar -Black Pepper -Fresh Garlic -Soy Sauce -Virgin Olive Oil -Toothpicks  1. Cut off the bottom ends of the asparagus to have a fresh cut 2. Bundle 3 pieces together 3. Wrap the bacon up the asparagus 4. Use a tooth pick to hold the top of the bacon together 5. Repeate until all the asparagus are wrapped 6. Put all pieces into a container or dish 7. Melt butter and mix in the brown sugar, pour over the asparagus 8. Pour the olive oil, pepper and garlic 9. Top with soy sauce 10.

Why I Started Blogging

Every since i can remember i would love to journal about every day of my life. I loved to write down conversations between me and the guys i was crushing on, or anything funny that happened in school. Journal after journal began to fill, and i soon had a pile in my room. Every so often i would look back and read through some of it. Some things would make me laugh, others reminded me of times i had forgotten, and some created heartache to hard memories of my past. I have done many blogs in the past. Some all about fitness and losing weight. Some all about my "lovely" journey through nursing school. A blog soley dedicated to my passion for cooking...but after only a month or two, i lost interest and the blog stopped. I know the blogs are still out there somewhere, but no longer being used. Well i had stopped 'journaling' this past year around august time between many life changing events and starting up my last semester of nursing school. I wanted to start up again, but

Independence Day Weekend

Now that i have a pretty serious boyfriend, we are really trying to share holidays between families. Especially since our families are not right down the road from each other (about 2.5 hours apart). Since Friday (the actual 4th of July) was rained out due to a hurricane coming up the east coast, everything was changed to Saturday.  On Saturday morning  Black Point had their annual parade down the main road. Below are some pics from the parade. Mom and I during the parade Mark and I before the parade  Then after the parade they had a huge picnic for the people of Black Point. There was tons of food and desserts along with burgers and hot dogs. Then Mark and I headed up to MA/NH to go to his sisters house who lives on the lake to celebrate the 4th there. We had dinner with his mom, sister, husband and their friends.  This is a view from the widow's peak at the top of her lake house A pic of Mark and I out on the widow's peak We all hung out down on the yard by the boat having so

Home Inspections

Hello! So today was my home inspections. Yikes! It always makes me very nervous because you never know what they will find ESPECIALLY when it is an old structure. There are two major things they found: there are 2 areas of rotting wood kinda where the gutter on the edge of the house sits, and the chimney Damper (i have no idea what this is, but i guess its important!) is rusting, and needs to be welded or replaced. The other things are not too major and would be nice to have fixed, but i could afford some time in the close future. So now i take a look at the inspections report (which might i add is 24 pages long) and basically make a list. What my wonderful realtor suggested is to make a top 3, then a top 5, and then number out the rest of the things. So i will make my top 3 items, then just keep going from there. I have 5 (i think 5) days to make my requests, and then they will respond with what they are going to do. I am very excited that i am less than a month away from moving in. W

T-Minus 11 Days!

Mark is moving down here  on July 13th ! Holy smokes! So this weekend i am heading up his way to help him really go through his room. Clean, throw out, organize and pack. So Mark will be living at my parents home in Niantic from  July 13-Aug 1st.  As of Auguest 1st we will be able to move into our home together (granted the inspections go well). Our inspections are  July 7th at 9am , so that will really let us know what is going on with the house. I know these few weeks of all of us living in the house together is going to be a little chaotic, however mark and i are going to have opposite schedules. He will mainly be working  7am-4pm . Where i will be working both  9am-2pm  and  3pm-11pm . But regardless, we will still get to see each other and that is all that matters. Then as of  August 1st , i want to slowly start moving my stuff into the house with the hope of possibly unpacking as i bring things in. Who knows. Ill be sure to post pictures when everything happens. 

Summertime Weekends

Let me start off by saying i love my weekends during the summer. Mostly, i am off from work, i get to see my family, and of course, i get to see Mark :) This past weekend i had a great day. Saturday my dad had his company work picnic at Lake Compounce. Which is CT's little amusment park. Included in our tickets were admission to the park, along with a full lunch buffett and dinner buffett. By the time my family got it all together and got to the park, we were all hungry and lunch was open. So the first thing we did was eat. Lunch was good, between burgers, mac and cheese, taco bar, potato salad, kielbasa, the list goes on! Then after we hit up the water park for a little while. After we were going on different rides such as the roller coasters, bumper cars, and everything else in between. It ended up being a really great night. Mom, dad, ryan and michael left early, and Mark and I stayed for another half hour or so. It was a great night with my family and with Mark :) On Sunday we