
Showing posts from December, 2015

There Arose Such A Clatter

Merry Christmas all! I know i am a few days late, however like i had posted in another post, the night we came home from christmas at my parents, our basement was flooded. So we were a little preoccupied. I hope everyone enjoyed their days! On Xmas eve both mark and i had to work, so when he was out at 3PM i met him at his work, and we left from there and drove 2.5 hours up to NH to spend the night with his family. We had a nice time. Here are a few pictures from that night. Mark and his cousin Caroline  Mark and his mom Mona  Mark and his sister Cassandra  Marks cousin Janette and Me  Me and Cassandra  Mark Jr and Mark Sr Cassandra and Grammy  We left around 10 PM that night and due to all the fog on the drive home we didn't get home until around 12:30 AM. Then we were dealing with our cats misbehaving, and breaking things, so we didn't get into bed until around 2:30 AM, so we were very tired. *There was a new tradition tha

Being A Homeowner

Most of the time being a homeowner, is great. Its my own private place that i can go home to, where i don't have to worry about rules, and landlords. I love being able to go home to my own space, where i can do what ever it is that i want. My favorite part is Mark and I really are building a home together, a place that we won't have to leave until we are ready to. The problems.... Yardwork! Plus i have to get rid of all the brush from doing the yard work. So it has been piled up in my back yard since we have yet to do that. Then there are little things like my basement flooding, for the 3rd time! We got home on Christmas night, and there was a puddle (large puddle) of water on my floor downstairs. The main issue: it was preventable! Mark decided to unplug our drainage pump, and forgot to plug it back in. Not good! So i finally cleaned up the aftermath of that today when i had time. Any advice for being a first time homeowner????

Return Labels & Enclosure Cards

Two out of three of the items that i ordered for the wedding so far have arrived. The first item to arrive was our return labels. They are brown with a white lace down the left side. Then it has both our names and our address written in the middle. The labels are for all the save the dates, the invitations, and as the address on the response card that the guests will send back to me. Then the other thing that came in the mail was the enclosure cards. These just give the guests the website for the wedding which includes all information. Website: #QuickStacksOfLove #Sept24Twenty16 Below is a picture of both the label and then the card right on it....bad lighting but you can get the idea.

Lazy Sunday

Its a pretty rare day when i can sleep in on a Sunday, and i am not thinking about all the work that i still have to get done. I had finished all my work yesterday specifically since i knew that once i got my new computer i wouldn't even want to touch my work. Last night i stayed up until 2 AM watching the last few episodes of Teen Mom OG. So i went to bed pretty late. This morning i woke up to the smell of breakfast, yes Mark is out in the kitchen cooking us breakfast and i can't wait! So i decided i would take the morning and just lay in bed. We do have a few things planned for today, Mark wants us to go bowling, and today my youngest brother turns 16, so we will be celebrating with him. Today i am also going to prepare for Monday, which will be the start of being healthy, and being more active. Its def time for me to get back on track. Its been so hard with the holidays here, and Mark and my brother Michaels birthday. So Monday it will all be done, so i can really get bac

Teen Mom OG

So a fun little fact about me. I love pregnancy. So when MTV came out with a show that followed girls through their pregnancy, i loved to watch it. MTV is good for having most of their episodes on line, and so i used to watch all the episodes. However i remember the original girls of: Maci, Katelynn, Amber and Farrah. I had watched others, but those were the original girls, or OG. Then they came out with Teen Mom, the show that followed the girls through their lives of being teen moms. I loved the show, however i had stopped watching it. The other day i saw the add on TV for the newest season starting on Jan 4th, and so i went to to see if the episodes from last season were on. They were! So since Tuesday night every night i have been watching the episodes to get ready for the new season. However with my old computer the commercial parts would freeze, and then the actual episodes would freeze. So it was beyond annoying. I am looking forward to watching it tonight on my new

New Computer

I had bought my first Mac back in 2009. About 3 years in the computer was giving me trouble and i still had a warranty on it, so i gave it back to mac and they put a whole new hard drive in it. Then it was good for another 3 years. In the last few months my computer has given me a lot of trouble. It would not let me open things, or do certain things on line. It was so out of date that the updates would not work any more. Trying to do anything on my computer was a hassle. So much so that i would just go to the public library and use those computers. So when i was walking around the mall the other week, i noticed that the mall in my town had a new mac store. I became very excited, and priced out a new computer. I was hoping to late a little longer after christmas for me to pay off my credit card, however last night i couldn't take it any longer. I had to get my new computer! So today mom came over and we headed to the was packed for being right after xmas! But i went in

Wedding Planning: Save the Dates

The other day i was feeling totally overwhelmed with all that i had to do for the wedding. I know i could make it all simple, but you see....I am the girl who has been dreaming of this day since i could remember. So i have to do it the way i want. The first thing i did was make a large list of everything that needs to be done in the next month. Then i picked the top four items that need to be done this week, and wrote them in my planner. I have (almost) finished the website. I am just missing a few pictures which i plan to get at christmas. Here is the website: Then on Sunday night i ordered our return address labels that have lace on them. I ordered the cards that will go with the save the date that also give the website. Then i ordered the picture magnets with our marquee picture. So i am very excited to get those in the mail after the holidays. Then the fun begins of addressing the envelopes! #QuickStacksOfLove #Sept24Twenty16

Engagement Photos: The Results

Here are our engagement photos. Total we had about 60 something photos online, and there are i think are my favorite! Enjoy! 

Carnival Cruise: On the Boat Part Two

Here is the last bunch of photos from on the boat. I had taken hundreds during our trip, but i picked out the best for my posts. An appetizer one night, it was an eggplant sauce i believe. Everything was unbelievable!  We both got this that night, a beef tenderloin with a bernaise sauce. Mark and I actually bought this at home once we were back.  Us at one of the shows.  The show that night.  Friends that we met on the cruise. We were very simaliar. We spent a good amount of the cruise together.  Mark at dinner on the last night  Me at dinner the last night  Marks chocolate melting cake, i thing he almost got it every night. It was amazing though!  The last show of the cruise, it was 80's themed.  The comedy club on the last night.  Our towel the last night, a heart!  Mark and I holding hands by the heart....awe.  A diamond ring i bough myself while on the cruise. Tax and Duty Free! The ring was slid on the heart towel

Carnival Cruise: Grand Bahama Island

Our last and final stop was at Freeport, Grand Bahama Island. Here we did an ATV tour. First we took a bus ride about 45 minutes away to this garden area. We hung out at the garden for over an hour, and then we took tours on the ATV. After the ATV we got back on the bus to the beach and got to spend some time at the beach. It was a great day, but i did get a little scared on the ATV. Mark loved it. A pretty flower inside the gardens  A cool pic of mark going down one of the paths in the garden. There were tons of different paths to check out. I believe this was the one that i saw the yellow spotted spider though. Not ok!  I really enjoyed this. Its called The Labyrinth. If you have time, google it and check it out. It talked about finding inner peace while you walk.  Here was the actual Labyrinth, and we did walk it.  At the end of the ATV we stopped out at this location. So pretty! And look how blue that water is.  Another picture of the water.  Mar