Safe Haven

I typically do not like to read the books that get turned into movies because i will usually end up hating the book or the movie. However, when i was up at bowling i got talking to one of the other girlfriends who hang out up there and we got talking about Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks. She suggested to read it, and she even gave me her copy of the book. 
Ive had it for a few months now, and still didnt read it. I started about a month ago, and for the first few chapters, the book followed the movie, so i could almost see the movie playing in my head as i read. So i put the book down for a while. Just this past week i picked it back up again, and i finished it within days. The story is different. 
In the movie Alex finds out about Katie's past because of the "wanted" poster up with her picture, however it really plays more into him finding out and its more a gradual thing in the book. It also shows her relationship with Jo more than in the movie, not to mention that there are parts before Katie receives the letter that she starts to wonder about Jo and almost is able to put it together that she was never really real. The other thing the book did very well was the whole scene when Kevin showed up. It was more detailed than the movie, and even though i had seen the movie, so i knew what was going to happen, it kept me reading on. Now, after having finished the book, it makes me want to read more of his books, especially ones that were turned into movies. I was told that the last song was also much better as a book, so at some point ill read that one. But i do suggest this book, even if you have already watched the movie! 


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