Making an Exercise Plan Last

Everyone makes a plan to exercise. We all start out great for the first week or two, and then it slowly fades after that. Well here are a few helpful tips to try and help you stick to your exercise regimen.

1) Make the time. Everyone says that they do not have enough time to get a workout in. Think of it this run one mile, take about 10-15 minutes. EVERYONE has 10-15 minutes extra in their day. Set up an appointment for your workout, and if you are the type that uses a planner, WRITE IT IN! This way you can hold yourself more accountable for the workout.

2) Find an activity you enjoy. If running isn't your thing, then maybe take up bike riding, hiking, kayaking or swimming. Now that its summer time there are a ton of fun ways to be active. Even picking up a fun sport like tennis. If you are trying to force yourself to do an activity you don't like, then its not going to work. You need to look forward to the workout.

3) Stay accountable. Keep track of when you exercise, and keep an exercise journal. If you hold yourself accountable to writing it down, then you are more likely to complete it.

4) Start with reasonable goals. It may be a weight goal, or a fitness goal. But NEVER start with the goal of losing 100 pounds. That is not reasonable right from the start. Start off with losing 5 pounds, and then go from there. Or another example is to have a goal of running one mile. Don't start with the goal of a marathon. Those are good for long term goals, but while getting started, make the small goals.

5) Track your measurements. When you first start off, measure your waits, stomach, legs and any other area you would like to keep track of. You will be more likely to see changes in those measurements then the number on the scale in the beginning.

6) Drink water! Drink enough water to replace what is lost. Water helps to flush out your body.

7) Stay motivated. Find ways to help stay motivated during the tough times. Whether its an idea or people to help you through it and to stay on track!


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