Planning, Planning, Planning

Lately while i have been at work, when i take a break from studying, i will look up cool blog ideas. So far i have come up with a ton of ideas. I can not wait to post about them. I plan on starting this weekend. Because as of right now i am still studying for my test, which will be over this weekend (hopefully for good), and then i can get back to just work and enjoying summer. I have a bunch of different craft projects planned for me this summer. Some are bigger and more involved than others, but it will still be fun in the process and to see the finished project. So far on my list of projects are: finish my family vacation scrapbook, start mark and my scrapbook, sew a t-shirt quilt with my grandparents clothing, sew a t-shift quilt with ryans clothes, update my grandfathers picnic table he made us, make this scrabble board about mark and i, and creating binders to organize all the rip-outs from magazines i have saved. Not to mention going through the pile of magazines i have yet to do anything with. I also have been looking at a bunch of other blogs lately, and i love the formatting they have used, so i hope with some research i will be able to update my formatting. I have also made an appointment with someone regarding mortgages. I am meeting with her next week to see what i can get approved for. So for now i am just printing all the documents i need to bring with me. I have found a house that i love. I drove by it and i still love it. It is such a great price and want to get in to see it, and be able to make an offer if that is what i want to do. So many things right now where i have to wait and see what happens. But prayers are much appreciated, especially with my test, and just staying positive!


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