
Showing posts from April, 2014

Sleep, Work, Repeat

These past few days I feel like I have lived at the hospital. I actually got here early for my shift and too a nap in my car! I know this is what I am supposed to be doing but once I pass my test I'll be less stressed. Because every time I work and sleep, im not studying! It's just a vicious cycle. For anyone out there who is religious, please say a prayer for me and passing my boards. I'm not sure how much longer I can kill myself like this. Prayers are much appreciated! 

Ugh So Sick

Last night before I left work I started to feel sick. I used the bathroom and was better. Well driving home I got that feeling in my stomach and I hurt so bad. I tossed and turned all night long because of how much stomachs pain I had. I thought I was going to end up at the hospital as a patient Instead of a employee. Finally around 6am I woke up with the overwhelming nauses feeling, and I got sick. I think I got the stomach bug from a client at work. But I was misreable all day at work. Anything I tried to eat or drink went right through me. So my diet today consisted of gingerale and pepto bismal. Yumm 

Lake Community??

As you know, I have been househunting lately and my realtor suggested looking in a town called Montville. So I went online and instantly realized houses are cheaper there, same quality, same house space, just the prices are lower than where I have been looking. Well I found this lake community and there are two houses, there one is close to the water and the other one is a few streets away. Both way under the prices of all the other houses I had looked at before. I am currently going to hold off I'm going to see them. I want to wait until when I am closer to being approved for a mortgage that way if I really like that I would actually have a chance of getting the house. So for now I am keeping an eye on the houses along with looking for other ones that come up in any lake community in the area. Mark and I both agree that it would be so fun to live in a lake community. His sister does right out and they love it.  I hope that someday I will be able to as well :) 


Oh my goodness have I been busy. Between working doubles, so a total of 16 hours in one day at the hospital, studying and working at my other job I feel like I have no free time. I pretty much work and then come right home to sleep that is all. That is also why I have not been on to blog lately. But work is going good I am actually in overtime this week so that will be a good paycheck. Plus tomorrow I get to have my day off so I will be studying all day and then I will go into work at 11 to do the overnight. Plus this weekend I will have a few days off and I am going up to Massachusetts to see Mark. I am very excited about that! He actually came down this past weekend and celebrated Easter with my family it was such a nice day together. He and Michael played basketball and then they actually want up to the courts, it was nice seeing them play together. He really is becoming part of the family. But anyways am currently driving to work, thank God my phone has a talk to text feature or el

Tax Day Nightmare

In the past I have used TurboTax online and filed my federal taxes for free, it was easy! All you did was put in your W-2's, went through a bunch of steps and then just hit complete and file. Well this year I not only had W-2s but I also had a 1099 to complicate things. I tried to do the online for free but because I had a 1099 I had to pay for the extended version. Before I paid I tried seeing if I could do it right and no matter what, something was going wrong. I could not find where to put the ductions for my mileage for the 1099s job. Online on H&R Block it said that students would have to pay $30 to come in and have a tax assessor do their taxes for them. She wanted to charge me $150! Even though it said online only $30. I went to my moms guy today who does hers and he helped me do the on line one. Turns out I have to pay 486, not 271 like I had thought, and of course- I don't have that in my account. So I decided to print it and write a check since I will be paid soon

Where Were You???

Today, the one year anniversary of the Boston bombing, I've been seeing a bunch of posts on Facebook of people saying where they were when it happened. Well here is my story: I was in Boston for that whole weekend because it was my boyfriend's (at the time) 21st birthday on Monday April 15th. After I made him breakfast we headed down to his nearest green line stop, which the marathon happened to be going by. Our plans for his birthday were to meet two of my sorority sisters by coply square for lunch since they were down by there, then we would go out at night when his family comes up. As we are waiting for the train one of the sisters I am going to meet calls and tells me that we should probably stay put because two loud explosions just went off. Well my BF at the time said we were fine and to just get on the next train that came. I was on the train using my phone trying to look up what had just finished when i saw the words "boston bombing" come up on my screen. I sa

Bored at Work

I am sitting here waiting for it to be 8:30 so I can go home and see Mark. He has come down from MA to spend a few days with me. I can not wait to spend the warm, beautiful day with him tomorrow. I am thinking we can go to guilford and drive by a few houses then drive by the ones in Westbrook. While we are in Westbrook I'm thinking of Bills Seafood for lunch so we can sit outside. Who knows, but I def want to enjoy the game since I'm not too sure when I'll see him next because next weekend is Easter. But he is currently at my house with my dad and brother. We are all starving but I can't make anything until I get home since dinner is in my car. Fun fun! Let's just hope that this half hour goes by quickly. 

2 Mile Run

Today on my running plan I have a 2 mile run. I really did not want to do it when I got up this afternoon. Especially after working the overnight shift at the hospital. I was nervous as well since I had not run two miles in a while, not to mention it's pretty hot out today! But I got myself in gear, laced up my sneakers and hit the pavement. Well I did it! It wasn't so terrible. Little by little it will be getting easier and before I know it, these 1 and 2 mile runs will be what I wish I am running! Well now that my workout is complete-time to enjoy this beautiful sun before I go to work later. 

First Night at New Job

Although technically speaking it is not a new job, since I am returning back...but it went well. I was tired by the end but that was in part because my legs were sore from running. I am really excited to be back working at the hospital and getting to know patients and their families. This may sound corny but I really do feel like I am helping them. The only part about last night I didn't like is when I was giving report the lady kept talking down to me. Umm excuse me I don't deserve that. She was getting mad I didn't know their age and crap and I didn't even have access to the charting system yesterday. Whatever, I'll be a nurse hopefully soon. Tonight I have an over night shift and I am nervous but only because I have to stay awake all night and then drive 40 minutes home! Gross. But I'll be sure to take a rest today but also making sure I get everything done. I am hoping that tonight I will be able to get some studying done. Fingers crossed! 


I realize I never wrote yesterday. Yesterday I took my bike out and did a 3 mile ride and then today I just completed another 1 mile run. My legs are so sore from two days ago when I did my run. But this is good for me right?! Ugh. As long as I keep on going. Tomorrow I'll prob do a bike ride. Maybe. I'm not positive. Now I am drinking my breakfast/post run smoothie. Skim milk, 1 tsp peanutbutter, half a banana and a package of breakfast essentials vanilla. Yumm! 

Day # 1

So today I weighed myself in and measured my stomach, arms, legs and bust. I ate half a yogurt for breakfast. For lunch I had about 3 bites of chicken salad with one piece of whole grain bread, I piece of American cheese and tuna. Then I went for my mile run. Which might I say I sucked wind! God I am out of shape. Which as you can see below my mile time is 12:01 as of right now. After my run I had a small yogurt. Tonight for dinner I plan on having a salad. Tomorrow will be a different type of workout then Thursday I will run a mile again. Hopefully my time will go down. 

Vermont Teddy Bear Factory

We went to the Vermont teddy near factory and went on a tour. It was really neat to see how they actually hand sew all the bears. Then at the end of the tour we made a bear. Well actually...make was the one who picked him out, gave the heart a kiss and stuffed the bear. We picked out an outfit that was something about us and since we watched all of smallville together he picked out the superman outfit since Clark Kent was superman. We named him Smallville since that is the name that Louis Lane, Clark's love called him. I really liked that mark made the bear :) mark will hold onto him then on weekends when he visits he will bring him down. 


One of my favorite TV channels to watch is TLC. It is with real people, but its certainly not reality TV. I like almost every single one of their shows. I can have that channel on all day long. The other best part is that netflix has a bunch of those shows as well. Below is a list of the different shows i love to watch, plus with a little bit about each one. Some of these shows are currently on, and some are not.  19 Kids & Counting This is a story about a family named the Duggars. Mom and Dad named Michelle and Jim Bob, have 19 kids together. They follow religion and raise their children with high values and standards. This show also shows when they all go on vacation, and how they make sure all 21 of them get through the airport and so on. There oldest son is married now with 3 children, so sometimes they are involved and they even have some episodes where it is their story. You have to be open to their ways if you are going to watch this show.  Americas Worst Tattoos

Seeing My Baby

Tonight after I was done with work I drove up to MA to see my baby. I actually felt nervous seeing him again! It's bed early tonight since we have to get up early tomorrow to head up to VT for the weekend. So this was a short but sweet post since it's time for bed! 

Beautiful Day!

I wake up this morning and my house is freezing never did I think it was actually warm sunny and beautiful outside! Today is the day that I wish I was not working so I could spend the day either reading or studying outside. Unfortunately I have a shift right now from 1030 until 6 PM and then I have an overnight from 9 PM until 7 AM. It is good though because it means I am making money I just wish I got to enjoy this beautiful day. Tomorrow I get to go up to mass to see Mark and I am so excited. I am just glad that there are many more beautiful days to come :)

New Job!

Yesterday I got the call that they were hiring me and they expected me to do at least 36 hours a week. So yesterday I was scheduling all the appointments for my PPD and other things like that. Today I got a call and we set up my schedule for up until may. I am very excited to start working there again. 

The Simple Things

This morning as I was leaving my house for work I spotted these flowers. Every day up until today they were just buds but today was the first day they have actually bloomed and opened up. They are so pretty and just made me smile :) The best part is we didn't even plant them. The previous owner planted them and they are obviously still coming up. 

Good Morning

Well last night was my second night here in CT. The bed i am sleeping in is so uncomfortable. I have two egg crate mattress pads on it and it is still rock hard. Last night i put a few comforters under me as well, and it is still rock hard. I have to do something to help it! The house is still a mess, but i made a little bit of a dent in my clothing. What i have decided to do is pack away all my winter clothes, and then pack away all my nice summer clothes that don't currently fit me. So at the moment i have piles of clothes on the TV stand, and today i will go to walmart and look for a few things. I am going to get a few bins to pack  away my clothes, and i also want to look for shelving sort of thing for our bathroom, so i can work on fixing that up for my parents. Currently the home still has boxes & piles of stuff everywhere. Today i only have a few hours of work, so when i get home i plan on tackling some of this house!