Happy New Years

Every year people make all kinds of resolutions... and typically people drop them by the second week in january, or if they are lucky, they can hold on until february. I had seen online the other day someones resolution was for people to start loving who they were and to accept themselves and to stop trying to always change. 
NOW, i love that resolution and i hope people are able to accept who they are, except in my case i am not healthy, and not only do i want to become healthy, but i am stretching for a much larger goal, and i hope that i can accomplish it!
Every year we always see the magazines post online and publish in their magazines people who are now half their size, and the before and after pictures. I want to be one of those people. I want to work and push hard to become someone who is proud for becoming healthy and fit. 
I do have something as motivation, and that would be my cruise that is next year. I DO NOT want to look the way i currently am on the cruise, nor do i want to wear a bathing suit with how i currently am. I want to be how i used to be in a bathing suit, which is PROUD! (and hot)
This goal will be accomplished in many different ways. The first main part of a healthy life style is nutrition. 
My goal is to stick to around 1,000 calories a day, because that will give me some room if i have an extra snack or an extra bite for dinner. In terms of what i am drinking it will be water or the crystal light. It is important to try and avoid the sugar because when you work out, the first thing you burn is sugars, and then you burn fat. So i want to skip right to the fat part. 
Next comes the fitness part. You do not need to do a full, super intense workout every day, but it is important to stay active. Park further away, take the stairs, just those simple little changes will get more steps into your day. 
The last part is to really take care of myself, not just my health, but everything. Things like flossing more, lotion to my legs to help with my dry skin, taking vitamins, reading my books more. 
Time to get busy with all of these new changes! One day at a time!! 


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