Stacks are Dinning Out

Mark and I hardly ever have a date night out. I realized there are all these places to eat and try nearby, and we have barely been to any! Its time we start dating again :) I decided to do a 30 minute area from our new home. Then i went town by town and created this long list of every restaurant in the town. The ones i didn't add in the list were pizza place, Chinese food or any vegetarian places. Otherwise everything else is in the list. 

I hope that we will be able to have our date night once a week. What i did was print this long list, and the pages are all numbered. I will have Mark pick a number from 1-13 that will determine what page we will pick the restaurant from. Then i will check out the page, and see what towns are on that page. From there we will pick out where we are going. 

My hope is to write a post with a review of each place, and if we enjoyed it or not. After dinner, we will either put a check mark or an X through the bullet. Obvisouly a check means we liked it, X we did not. We will start this tomorrow.

Mark and I have been so good with saving money, so its time for us to go out together. Mark picked the number '7' and on that page was Old Saybrook and New London. Since Mark has the day off tomorrow, we will go to Old Saybrook since its farther away. So I've already picked out the restaurant, and we will have our date tomorrow! 

Here is a pic of the first page of the list.  

So excited to get started! 



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