Inspections on Fog Plain

A few weeks ago we had the inspections done on the house we are selling. Now, we only bought the house 3 years ago, and everything that was found, the previous owner fixed. So we really thought that we would be okay with the inspection. 


So a whole bunch of electrical came up as well as problems with the chimney. What is interesting is that we haven't touched the electrical, which means it was never picked up when we had the inspections done 3 years ago- so WTH?! 

Something else i found funny was the day of the inspections i realized that we never turned the outside water nozzle back on since it was winter. Now to turn it on, you literally turn the knob in the basement and the water turns on. So i called the realtor and told them how to turn it back on. 

Well in the request report they wanted the seller to "de-winterize the outdoor water supply" umm, you mean you want me to turn the knob. Okay cool. 

So we got the long list that the buyer wanted us sellers to fix. It all made me nervous, especially since we are trying to save money since we are paying for the buyers closing costs! How much does this kid want?! 

Thankfully we were able to find someone reasonably priced to do the chimney and electrical work. We turned on the water, and the other thing that we could fix ourselves was the crack in the foundation. The only thing we weren't going to fix was something in the attic that we couldn't even see. Thankfully the kid agreed to that. So all is well. 

All that we have left to do is the crack outside, and that is just because its supposed to pour this weekend, and it needs a few days of sunshine to set. 

Almost there! 


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