Cape Cod Camp Resort

Mark, Mom and I went to the cape from a Thursday to Monday for a long weekend. We ended up staying at a campground called: Cape Cod Camp Resort. From looking at it online, there were tons of things to do. They had 3 pools, a pond, paddle boats, movie night and the prices were not bad. When we first got there and were assigned the camp site, we pulled up to it, and it was a giant hill. There was nowhere to put the tent or table or anything else for that matter. The one next to it was empty, so we called and we were able to switch.
The bathrooms: well when we first got there they were very clean and we were impressed. By the end of our stay, there was mud covering the floors! At least I hope it was just mud :/
The pools: So there was a kid area and a 21+ area. The kid area had a large pool with a water slide, and a little kiddie pool plus a splash pad. The pool was slightly cooler, but it was nice. Mark went down the slide once. The adult pool had a very warm (im talking 90 degrees warm), and there was a hot tub. And due to it being 21+ we could bring in drinks if we wanted, which was nice. We loved the pool, but on the hot days, it was almost too hot.
The pond: it was so tiny! We didn’t even try to swim in it, and due to the size, didn’t bother renting the paddle boats.
Something weird that we noticed was that everyone there was from Qubec, and so they all spoke French! We did have a great weekend, and it was a lot of fun. We found a cute little ice cream shop, and then we took Mark over to Bayview campgrounds, which is a campground I had actually posted about a while ago, where I basically grew up there. We had fires and samores most nights. Then we went and visited an old Friend named Laurie. Below are two pics. One is Mark, Me, and my Mom. The other picture is Laurie, Mom, and I.

Sunday night we had packed everything up so Monday morning we could beat the traffic. Well around 4am it started to thunder and lightning and so we got up and packed up our stuff, and headed home. We got home around 630AM, but there was no traffic! Mom actually went to work while Mark and I slept until about noon. It was a great trip. And we cant wait to go back to the cape.

Here is my post about Bayview Campground


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