Health & Fitness

Lately I have been doing something different with my workout routine and nutrition.

Regarding nutrition I have been doing much better regarding snacking, and sticking to meals and two snacks. The extra snacking was really hurting me, so its better now that it is more under control.

Fitness: I have all the workouts from my trainer, and I have them all written out on separate pieces of paper and labeled with a number. Now the workouts are all about 30 minutes since that is what my training session is. I have been starting off by getting on the treadmill for about 30 minutes, and walking on an incline. Sometimes ill walk faster, or increase the incline, or even run. Then I pick a routine from my trainer and do that the second 30 minutes. By the end I am so sweaty and gross, but that means it was a good workout.

Mark and I used to go for walks, but lately it has been so hot and humid we haven’t. But I started that routine about 7 days ago, and since then I have lost an additional 8 pounds! So I am so excited to keep on going! 

Today the best thing happened to me. I ran into someone i hadn't seen in a few months, and she looks at me and goes: oh my god, you look fantastic! So that was a huge boost! 


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