Blizzard Colbie 2015

As almost everyone knows, the eastern side of the US was recently hit with a massive noreaster. They named the storm Colbie, and boy it gave us what they were expecting. It is hard to tell how many feet we actually got because of the wind drift, but in some areas of my house it was up to my waist. Not good. We got to spend all of tuesday being snowed in, and Mark and i did go out later in the afternoon to clear our cars out of the driveway. It was a lot of fun though. One thing that i realized is how different snow days in college are from snow days as an adult. Snow days in college consisted of a much needed day of sleeping in, going to the dinning hall, and finding an RA to break into the janitor closet to steal large trash bags for sledding. In my case i was the RA who broke in to steal the trash bags for everyone in my building. Snows days as an adult consist of cleanig my house and shoveling our way out so we can make it to work the next day. Sigh...
Below i have posted a few pictures from our day
Mark and I working hard to finish the winter puzzle 
The finished puzzle hung up above our warm fire 
Opening the back door 

A look from inside the garage. That was the snow drift outside the garage. 

My house buried. You can see that the snow goes up to the bottom of the left window. Plus how buried the mail box is

Me outside in the snow! I was up to my waist in this pic 


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