My Day in Pictures

I saw a cool idea of doing a post where it shows your day in pictures. What I did was last Friday I set an alarm for every hour from when I got up, that way I remembered to take the pic. So here goes... 
10 AM- morning! My day to actually sleep

11 AM- cleaning the third bedroom, including the two litter boxes. My baby Zoe in the corner 

12 PM- just getting to work. My client lives in black point beach association 

1 PM- my client was next doors visiting her neighbors so I cooked up the stuffing mixture for stuffed peppers.

2 PM- still at work. My show SVU came on 

3 PM- done with work. Now off to my run and bike ride 

4 PM- my alarm goes off just as I got back and plopped myself onto the couch. Relaxing from my workout 

5 PM- enjoying talking to mom and brother 

6 PM- getting some stuff done around the house. Like hanging the pics up 

7 PM- my brothers last night home before college. We get to order Chinese! 

8 PM- just got home with the food! 

9 PM- sitting around the table. Mark joined us too. My little bro wouldn't get in the pic 

10 PM- home for the night and watching greys anatomy! 

11 PM- watching more greys! 

Bed was soon to follow. Night everyone! 


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