Front Door Makeover

As you all know my parents house was getting makeovers. Well here is the before and after of their front doors. 
This is looking from inside the room where the front door is
This was the front of the house. The builders had already taken the siding off back when they did the windows. 
Yay our new door and windows for the front are being delivered! Except there was a minor problem: they delivered the door broken. So they took it back right away. And it would take weeks to fix.  So the builders had decided to start building our deck first. 
Framing the new front porch
The progress so far...I came home from work and suddenly saw this! 
A view of the side of the deck...this was their stopping point because the next day the door was being delivered and they needed to leave some railings off 
Let's try this door thing again...
Looks like the doors are good! So I took another before picture. You can see the deck in this one 
Then it was time to cut out the existing doors and windows
Then there was just a giant hole in the side of our house. I sent this picture to my brother and his response was: well that's one way to let air into the house! You can see the support beams holding up the roof
Before you knew it...the doors were installed! And it all looked so pretty! All I can say when remodeling...plan for the unexpected. Since this was all done we added a stone patio in front where we put the fireplace. It looks really nice and I'll be sure to post a photo of it later when I go home and take a pic


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