Busy At Work

Lately work just seems to be crazy busy. The first week back from vacation had a nice little lull, but now they have a new employee shadowing me every day, as well as a student twice a week. I enjoy having someone out with me, however it takes more time. Today after my day we went back to the office and we spent about 2.5 hours going over paperwork. So it just takes more time to do this.

I am trying to stay afloat, and sometimes it is hard. I worked both days this past weekend, and Sunday when I was done for my day with visits (around 12) I went home and charted. I charted until about 6pm, and when I closed my computer at 6pm, I still wasn’t done! Crazy!

I love my job because I have flexibility most  people would only dream of having, however the amount of paperwork, I could only dream would go away. 


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