Engagement Photos: Before

Tomorrow are our engagement photos. I have been planning so long for this day! Amanada our photographer emailed me today to confirm tomorrow for meeting at the first location at 5. Then I emailed another person involved to confirm, and I got back an auto reply that she was out of the office until 10/19. So I freaked out a bit. But I got a hold of her, and she gave me the contact of who is covering. So I spoke with him and we are all set.

I have gone over Marks wardrobe, and when we get home from bowling we will hang it up, and get it all ready. As well as shaving his face and cutting his hair.

I wrote out a list for the things that we have to bring with us tomorrow since we have to leave pretty much as soon as Mark comes home.

Both of my dresses have been sewn, and ready. My hair apt has been confirmed, my finger nail polish has been picked out, and my eye brows have been plucked! I haven’t had my pictures taken in such a long time! I am so nervous but I am also so very excited for it. Mark and I don’t have any really good photos together, so I look forward to getting these.

And in typical Lauren fashion, I have my trusty check list to go by for tonight and tomorrow. Wish us luck! 



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