Myrtle Beach

Back in March Mark had about a week left of vacation, and if he didn’t use it up, he would lose it. So we tried to find a place that was kinda warm, but that we could still drive to and that wouldn’t be super expensive to stay at for a week. While I was at the gym (when living in my old apartment) I thought about Myrtle Beach. Neither Mark nor I had ever been. I started to look up room rates, and they were very reasonable, and most of the hotels there had kitchens so we could buy and bring our own food to save money.
The hotel we stayed at was called the Polynesian Beach Resort. We stayed for 7 nights, and we drove al the way down there. The full 14 hours. On the way down i drove 12 out of the 14, and drove through the night and through a snow storm. It was long, but it was an experience. We didnt have that great of weather when we were down there. Only 2 of the days was very warm and sunny, so we made sure to find other things to do in the area on the rainy/cold days. It was a great trip, one that i will always remember. Maybe someday we will get to go back down. We took hundreds of pictures, but here are a few from that week. 

 A picture of Mark and my toes in the sand
 A sign outside of the hotel
 Mark and I walking the board walk. We walked down here several times, even when it was quite windy and cold! 
 One of our rainy days we went to a car show. It was very cool and Mark it enjoyed it as well. 
 This is a picture of the high ropes coarse. Mark and I got tickets to go on the high ropes coarse and the zip line. It was a blast and we bought the picture of us on the zip line. 
 Our tickets for the ropes course and zip line. 
 Any time we were sitting at the beach i was studying and preparing for my final nursing exams. 
 Our hotel room was two rooms, this is the picture of the bed room and outside of here there was a little balcony. 
 This is the room you first walk into, the bed was pulled out, but it was a couch. Then there was a bathroom that connected the two rooms. 
 Here you can see the kitchen and the little table we could eat at. 
 Mark cooking me dinner. We brought our george forman grill. These were steak tips that were so good! 
 A picture of Mark and I at the beach. I love this man! 
Myrtle Beach 2014


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