Personal Training Session

Today i had my first personal training session. I am really hoping for this to be the push that i need. It was cool, we sat and talked about a lot, and then we also did some workout together.
I learned a lot of helpful things that i would like to share...

1. Post workout it is important to have something with pure protein. (Duh) But you want to have it within 40 minutes after your workout, and that can be the only thing you eat for the first hour. What happens when you are working out is you tear apart your muscles, and the fat that is stored in there leaves. So if you eat something other than protein after your workout (such as fat) it will go right back into the muscle. Where if you eat protein, you are just building more muscle.

2. My body currently has 135 lbs of lean muscle! Holy cow! That is why i will never weigh 120 or less. That is why i had a hard time maintaing 156. I am better at maintaining 160/170.

3. For me right now it is important to eat around 2,200 calories. That seems like a lot. right? Well when i go from eating 3,000 down to 1,200 my body thinks it is starving. So anything i put in will be stored as fat. So i start at 2,200 and each week will eat less and less. I think i can handle that!

I am really excited for this new start, and can not wait to show my progress! Now its time to plan out my meals for tomorrow!


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