
Showing posts from February, 2015

First Wedding Gift

I wanted to share that i received my first wedding gift the other day. I went into work and there was a present on my desk, wrapped up with a card on it. When i unwrapped it, i saw that it was a wedding planning album by the knott. The card was from a nurse that i have become friendly with while at work. I have since been looking through it and it is really thorough. I cant wait to start planning things, and writing in it. The first thing is we have two tours booked for two different venues in the area. I also have a list of themes, and Mark and I need to go through them and pick out which one we like. I have a thought for a date, but ill see what happens. Ill keep updating everyone as things happen...

I'm Engaged!!!

I wanted to post this about a few hours after it happened, but i was enjoying the moment and the night with my fiance :)  Last Sunday, 2/15/15 Mark told me to pack a bag, and we were going away for the night. Of course here i am going....BUT its a SUNDAY?!?! He takes me to the Marriott, and had booked us a jacuzzi suit. Lovely of course! We are enjoying being away, and then he tells me that we are going to dinner next door.  The restaurant is called Prime 82. Everyone should look up the menu, the food was delicious!  First we both started with coups, mark the french onion and i got the clam chowder. Then our server brought out complimentary salads. By the time our meals got there we were both so full!  Here are pics from our meals.  Mine was a special of the evening. It was a linguini with pesto, garlic and oil with sun dried tomatoes, and it was to-die-for!  Marks was a classic chicken broccoli alfredo. His was really good as well.  Because we were both so full

World Maps

I had decided a while ago that I really wanted to have a map up on the wall that was black and white, and I could color in the states that Mark and I had traveled to. I know people will buy regular colored maps, and put a pin where they had been, but I felt like you really couldn’t see the pin, and that it just blended in with the map. So I started my search online of looking for a map. I eventually stumbled upon a teacher’s website that sold blank white maps for the students to color in. It wasn’t a bad price either being around $16.00, however then I looked at the dimensions and the map was 6 feet long! No thanks! Then I decided I think it would be really cool to have both a map of the US and a map of the world. Making my search much more challenging because now I needed two maps, and I needed them around the same size. Then I remembered placed like staples can print and enlarge an image for me. So I searched for jpeg images on google and found one of the world and US that I liked.

15 Things About Emotionally Strong Women

                                        15 Things About Emotionally Strong Women They Don't Beg For Attention- Needing attention is directly linked to emotion. Those who feel the need for recognition only find themselves experiencing feeling of worth when others make them feel needed; it's as if these people are uncertain of their value, or if they have any ounce of self-worth. Feeling unsure of your worth is a self-fulfilling prophecy; if you don't know you matter, then no one will ever believe you do. They Don't Allow Others To Bring Them Down- Emotional strength require resilience. This world is filled with haters and trolls. There are jealous eyes lurking around every corner. The unfortunate truth is that often the people who hold us back the most are those closest to us. Getting rid of these people is often the best solution, but also the most difficult. If you can quietly remove these people from your life, that's one fewer bridge burned and much less of

A Camping We Will Go

I had mentioned a little while ago that Mark and I were going camping for a weekend. It ended up being such a beautiful weekend. We went to Burlingame State Campground in Charlestown RI. We were there Friday-Monday, and had a blast.  Friday night we got there just as it was about to get dark so we rushed to get set up, and then made some dinner and a camp fire.  On Saturday we got up and made breakfast, and then we went out bike riding. I showed him around the campground since this was his first time there. When we got back we went to the beach and took a swim together, the campground is on Watchaug Pond. The water was quite cold, but we still has fun. We enjoyed playing card games together between "go fish" "old maid" "war" and "spit". Right around late afternoon we took a drive into Watch Hill (Westerly, RI) which was about 15 minutes away. Once in town we stopped at the little ice cream shop and got ice cream, and then we walked out to

Wintertime & Springtime Projects

I am someone who loves having projects to do, and i know, i know, as if i wasnt busy enough...BUT i love having little projects to keep myself busy. Here are a list of projects i would like to try and tackle while the weather is still bitter cold outside: Updating my family vacation scrapbook Starting a scrapbook for Mark and I and our vacations  Start to write my book Make the quilt out of my grandparents old clothes Apply a back splash in my kitchen on the walls There are also other projects that i want to work on, but it will require warmer weather outside. As soon as spring starts, i want to start to tackle these: Re-do my screened in porch Put up a fence on the side yard Sand down table, and re-upholster the chairs Start to re-create a beach sign Make a headboard/footboard with the old doors from my parents house  As i work on these projects, i will be sure to post updates. I cant wait to show the working, and finished products!

Blizzard Colbie 2015

As almost everyone knows, the eastern side of the US was recently hit with a massive noreaster. They named the storm Colbie, and boy it gave us what they were expecting. It is hard to tell how many feet we actually got because of the wind drift, but in some areas of my house it was up to my waist. Not good. We got to spend all of tuesday being snowed in, and Mark and i did go out later in the afternoon to clear our cars out of the driveway. It was a lot of fun though. One thing that i realized is how different snow days in college are from snow days as an adult. Snow days in college consisted of a much needed day of sleeping in, going to the dinning hall, and finding an RA to break into the janitor closet to steal large trash bags for sledding. In my case i was the RA who broke in to steal the trash bags for everyone in my building. Snows days as an adult consist of cleanig my house and shoveling our way out so we can make it to work the next day. Sigh... Below i have posted a few p