Baby Stack: Coming March 2018

Back in July we found out we were expecting our first child! I was in total shock since we had just moved in and just started trying, but i guess now is when God had planned for us. 

I shared the news with Mark the next day at dinner. I had wrapped up a Patriots onsie (seen below) in a tiny little box. The only thing he could see at first was the Patriots symbol. Then he pulled out the onsie. He was like "what is this?" "this won't fit me." He was just as shocked as i was, but then excitement set in. 

August 15th we had our first ultra sound apt. We got to see the little bean bouncing around and saw the heart beat. It was too early to hear it. Mom and Mark were both at the apt with me. 
Next apt was August 29th, i went by myself. I was 11 weeks, and we were trying to hear the heart beat with the doppler but it was too early, so we did the ultra sound just to make sure all was well. Same thing, the baby was bouncing around. 

Yesterday Mom,  Mark and I went to the next apt (9/26) and we listened to the heart beat with the doppler. It was very cool to hear. 

Today i have to schedule an apt down in New Haven for a detailed ultra sound that will show all the organs and the anatomy of the baby. 

Below i posted the announcement that we shared on social media. I am already growing a belly and its getting more exciting. I am also VERY excited that i will be my biggest in winter so i can keep layering up! 


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