
Showing posts from May, 2017

Sticking to Plan: Weekend Away

It feels like any time I am invited to a picnic, party or weekend away, my mind immediately goes to "how will i be able to stay on track?" Well here is the easy response, unless I plan ahead, i won't. So i will spend as long as i need to plan ahead and make sure i am fully prepared for the weekend. This coming weekend i have a bachelorette party to attend. We all know the weekend-loads of food and booze. The perfect combination for a weekend of no tracking. But i am so close to being the lowest I've been in a while. Plus right after the weekend i will go away on vacation and i don't want to be feeling gross after a weekend of partying. So where did i start? Well i contacted the MOH who was planning the weekend. I politely told her how i am trying to stick to a plan, and as soon as she had more information regarding food for the weekend to please let me know. She wrote back that it was no problem! Yay. Earlier this week us girls got a text outlining the wee

Stacks are Dinning Out: The Place

For this week Mark picked number "10"  On that page there were restaurants from either Guilford or Branford. We picked Guilford, only because it is closer to us than Branford, and we knew it would be a busy week/weekend with moving.  The Place is a 44 minute drive from our current home in Waterford, however tonight is prom, so we will be seeing my brother and his girlfriend while they take pictures. We will leave from there. So from there it is only a 29 minute drive, which isn't bad. Here are some pictures from our date night!  Before we left the house to go out!  Love my hun This was the menu. The entire area was outdoors, and you sit on a log. They cook on large grills outside right in the middle of all the tables.  Mark and I at the table  Veggiekabob- loved the onions the best!  Mark got the BBQ chicken, and i got the plain chicken While we were waiting Mark and I were designing our future backyard at the house

Stacks are Packing

We are in the final countdown! Not including today we have exactly 10 days left to get everything out of our house! Knowing that we will be in-between houses for 5 weeks is tough. We are trying to figure out exactly what we need to leave out and what we need to put into storage.  So we dug out all of our suitcases, and will be packing the things we need while we are staying with my parents in those. So for now we are continuing to pack the house and get it emptied out.  The storage unit. This pic is from a while ago, so this unit is actually almost full! This is a 20x15!  What I've been doing was packing the boxes and then placing them in the dinning room. Then from there Mark and I make trips to the unit.  Mark headed to the unit with the dinning room table set.  #stacksarepacking 

Inspections on Fog Plain

A few weeks ago we had the inspections done on the house we are selling. Now, we only bought the house 3 years ago, and everything that was found, the previous owner fixed. So we really thought that we would be okay with the inspection.  WRONG! So a whole bunch of electrical came up as well as problems with the chimney. What is interesting is that we haven't touched the electrical, which means it was never picked up when we had the inspections done 3 years ago- so WTH?!  Something else i found funny was the day of the inspections i realized that we never turned the outside water nozzle back on since it was winter. Now to turn it on, you literally turn the knob in the basement and the water turns on. So i called the realtor and told them how to turn it back on.  Well in the request report they wanted the seller to "de-winterize the outdoor water supply" umm, you mean you want me to turn the knob. Okay cool.  So we got the long list that the buyer wante

Stacks are Dinning Out: Penny Lane Pub

Tonight we went to Penny Lane Pub in Old Saybrook CT. It was the first restaurant on our new adventure of a date night out each week.  Penny Lane Pub is located on Main Street in Old Saybrook. It took us 24 minutes to get there (according to the GPS). We parked a little bit down the street and walked up. When we first got in we had the choice of sitting inside or outside. Mark said outside, however i didn't bring a sweater with me, so we asked for inside. Then she said we could sit upstairs or down stairs, so we went upstairs. We were the first ones up there, but boy did it fill up quickly! The menu had a lot of great options. Mark and I outside right after parking, i was trying to get a good pic of us, but i didn't notice my hair sticking straight out!  So then i made Mark take a better pic of us while we were inside at the table. I like this one!  Menu and the special sheet.  Mark got Mammas meatloaf with mashed potatoes and brussels sprouts. I got

Stacks are Dinning Out

Mark and I hardly ever have a date night out. I realized there are all these places to eat and try nearby, and we have barely been to any! Its time we start dating again :) I decided to do a 30 minute area from our new home. Then i went town by town and created this long list of every restaurant in the town. The ones i didn't add in the list were pizza place, Chinese food or any vegetarian places. Otherwise everything else is in the list.  I hope that we will be able to have our date night once a week. What i did was print this long list, and the pages are all numbered. I will have Mark pick a number from 1-13 that will determine what page we will pick the restaurant from. Then i will check out the page, and see what towns are on that page. From there we will pick out where we are going.  My hope is to write a post with a review of each place, and if we enjoyed it or not. After dinner, we will either put a check mark or an X through the bullet. Obvisouly a check means we l