Selling Fog Plain

I met with our realtor Nina, and after a bunch of pictures, and a bunch of paperwork that i had to sign, the house was officially listed online on a Friday. I was told the For-Sale sign would be up any time between Monday-Wednesday. 

Monday I was crazy busy, and so i thought for sure that by the time i got home from things that the sign would be up. But it wasn't. So then for some reason i just assumed it wouldn't happen on Tuesday, it would be Wednesday. Well Tuesday after getting a few things done, i was driving down the road, when i could see my house and a white sign stuck in my yard. 

I parked the car, and just sat there for a moment. I tried to hold back tears as i thought about leaving my first home. The home where my husband and i got married, and where we returned to after our honeymoon. This is the home i worked so hard to get, and made the outdoor living space my dream. I have so many memories here in our home.  

We have been on the search for a new home, but have yet to find anything. Mark and I don't always agree on our next house. We agree on the concept, but not the actual house. 

I really want a 4 bedroom house, the way i think of it is that if we have 2 or 3 kids, and they will each have their own room. If we only end up having 2 kids, then we will have a guest room. A garage is important to Mark, and the space inside is important to me. 

Well lets be real, its all important to me. I am the picky one in this relationship. Mark loves any house, as long as there is more space than our current 900 sq ft (which everything we look at is bigger) than Mark likes it. I have to be the one to reel him back in and point out the reason it won't work or why i want it different. 

I think it will be helpful for me emotionally when we find our next home. So instead of being sad about leaving, i can look forward to the next house and start to think about all the areas that i can make our own. 



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