
We are getting ready to go on an all-inclusive vacation in 3 days! We are all so excited. On Wednesday morning at 5 AM a 6 passenger limo is picking all of us up at my mom and dads house. The limo will take us to JFK airport. Our plane will leave around 10:20 AM and then we will arrive around 3 PM in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. We are staying for 4 nights, and i can't wait to explore the resort and enjoy the beautiful tropical paradise.

The resort looks awesome and i am so excited! I just wrote up a packing list, because these next few days are crazy busy!

Today is Saturday, and a good friend of mine came here from MA to visit. She is moving to VA soon, and this is my last time seeing her before she moves away.

Sunday morning we are meeting with the father to discuss our wedding. Right from there Mark is going bowling all day, so he won't be around.

Monday Mark works a full day and then goes bowling. I am working a half day, and then ill have time to go to the gym, get all my work done and then turn in my computer.

Tuesday Mark is working all day, however i took the day off. I am getting my hair cut, and nails done. Then a friend is coming over, and she is going to help me go through all my clothes since i don't know what fits any more or what i have. Once my clothes are gone through, ill know what to pack. So that will work out!

But i am really so excited. I am going to try my best to stay on track with my health and fitness. My brother has also been exercising, so hopefully he will help me stay on track.

Stay tuned for updates!


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