Very Wet Weekends-Camping!

Last weekend we went camping for my Mom's birthday. We heard that there was rain coming in last Saturday night into Sunday. Our plan was to hang out and we could pack up on Sunday. Well, it started to rain far earlier then the weather man predicted. There was 5 of us huddled under the EZ up that we had over our picnic table.
Later that night as the rain just got harder and harder, we decided to pack it up and head home. So in the pouring rain we packed everything up, soaking wet and packed it into the car. Since it was still my Mom's birthday we went right down the road to the Lyme "slime" tavern and we got a drink.

This weekend we had reservations at a campground in RI. Rain was also due in the forecast Saturday night into Sunday. We said that we would play it by ear this time. At first we were going to stay until Sunday, then it started to rain a bit on Saturday, then stopped for a little while. I wasn't feeling well, and therefore we decided to pack up and head home. Fortunately this time around we got everything except the tent and the EZ up packed and staying dry. Just as we finished packing it started to downpour! It was good timing. Today we just did things around the house, and laid the tent out to dry.

We don't go camping again until the end of July, and i am hoping that we have better weather, since this trip is about 2.5 hours away instead of down the road, and for 4 nights instead of 2. Hoping to have a weekend without rain!


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